Oral and Maxillofacial


Paediatric services

Referrals for children and young people should follow the Children’s Health Queensland referral guidelines.

Emergency department referrals

Advise patient to present to the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine.

For emergency referrals the on-call Oral and Maxillofacial Registrar must be contacted through Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (07) 3646 8111 to obtain appropriate prioritisation and treatment advice. Urgent  cases accepted via phone must be accompanied with a written referral and a copy faxed immediately to the Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic, Fax:  (07) 3646 3545.


To send a referral, of if you’d like to follow up on a referral you’ve made for a patient, please contact Central Patient Intake on 1300 364 938

Referrals containing insufficient information or that are illegible will be returned to the referring practitioner. This may result in delayed appointment/treatment for your patient. As this is a surgical specialty please ensure your patient is a suitable candidate for operative measures by managing general lifestyle factors such as weight and smoking.

Clinic times: Monday–Friday: 8.00am–4.00pm

Guide to triage categories

Category 1

  • Appointment within thirty (30) days is desirable AND
  • Condition has the potential to require more complex or emergent care if assessment is delayed AND
  • Condition has the potential to have significant impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond thirty (30) days

Category 2

  • Appointment within ninety (90) days is desirable AND
  • Condition is unlikely to require more complex care if assessment is delayed AND
  • Condition has the potential to have some impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond ninety (90) days

Category 3

  • Appointment is not required within ninety (90) days AND
  • Condition is unlikely to deteriorate quickly AND
  • Condition is unlikely to require more complex care if assessment is delayed beyond 365 days

Not offered at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Maxillofacial Unit

Please note the following services are not available at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Maxillofacial Unit:

  • Dental services including (not exhaustive):
    • Periodontal disease
    • Routine dentoalveolar conditions
    • Denture complications such as loose, ulcers, mucosal growth
    • Traumatic teeth injury without associated injuries
  • Dental anxiety
  • Dental prosthesis such as denture, partial denture
  • Aesthetic (cosmetic) Surgery is not offered at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Specialists list

Send referral

Hotline: 1300 364 938

Medical Objects ID: MQ40290004P
HealthLink EDI: qldmnhhs

Metro North Central Patient Intake
Aspley Community Centre
776  Zillmere Road

Health pathways

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