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Improve outcomes of care2022-03-11T15:15:28+10:00

Improve outcomes of care

A new gynaecological healthcare model for First Nations womenA new gynaecological healthcare model for First Nations women is seeing a 40% decrease in missed medical appointments. The Women’s Business Shared Pathway has been developed in partnership with Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and the Institute of Urban Indigenous Health to deliver culturally appropriate patient-centred care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, aiming to support care closer to home and remove barriers related to healthcare appointment attendance related to all things “women’s business”. Read more

The Geriatric Evaluation and Management at Home program (GEM@Home) supports the acute and long-term care needs of older people in Metro North who have complex and chronic health conditions associated with ageing. As part of the GEM@HOME trial, 26 patients from The Prince Charles Hospital, who had an average age of 85 years, safely left hospital early and received care at home.

Clinician with elderly patient26 GEM@HOME

Metro North Diabetes Clinical Services Plan 2021-2026 provides a roadmap for the delivery of evidence based, coordinated, innovative and sustainable services for adults with diabetes.

Bowel cancer ribbonIS THE 4TH

Caboolture Hospital’s Polyp Screening program, launched in January, is reducing the likelihood of people developing bowel cancer by identifying polyps before they become cancerous. Bowel cancer is the 4th most common cancer in Australians of all ages in 2021. The program provides surveillance colonoscopies at set intervals.

The Comprehensive Breast Cancer Centre supports patients through treatment, connects patients and clinicians to research and education, and provides whole of journey support.

The Living Independently, Functioning Effectively (LIFE) program through the Tess Cramond Pain and Research Centre provides two months of classes to help people manage their pain.

  • 77% improved their fitness for walking
  • 68% significantly reduced depression, anxiety and stress.

Feel better79%

Herston Biofabrication InstituteThe Herston Biofabrication Institute brings together clinicians, academics, and industry leaders to advance knowledge and technology in 3D printing, scanning and modelling of medical devices and tissues such as bone. The institute focusses on orthopaedic surgeries, burns and dermatology, vascular surgery, urology, cancer care, neurosurgery, and craniofacial surgery. The unique facility, opened in February 2021, includes a full mechanical workshop, a number of 3D printers in the printing lab, a digital innovation hub, a tissue culture laboratory and patient consultation rooms to assist in the patient care process.

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