
Strengthening Culture in the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment

Proposed design of the new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Unit.

One of the key achievements for Caboolture Hospital has been the outcome of the design of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health space in the expanded Caboolture Hospital.

The Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Project (CHRP) aims to help close the gap by reducing health inequities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through the provision of culturally appropriate health infrastructure design, including meaningfully incorporating cultural design elements into the CHRP.

Throughout the design process, the project team engaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders to seek their guidance and views around how to strengthen culture in the built environment and create a stronger sense of inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples visiting the hospital.

The new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Unit will be built close to the main entry with close connections to outdoor corridors. There will be a purpose designed courtyard with culturally relevant plantings, evoking nature, place and connections to Country. The courtyard was designed in consultation with cultural advisors. The culturally safe design of this space ensures it can be used for yarning and activities such as NAIDOC events and community meetings.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff provided input and feedback throughout the detailed design process and continue to play an important role in ensuring the CHRP design is welcoming and inclusive.

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