Improving patient information about dental treatment
Community and Oral Health consumer liaison officers heard consistent feedback that many patients didn’t understand why they needed certain dental treatment, or what that treatment and aftercare meant.
Some patients advised that they did not understand the information they were provided, and it was further identified that there was very little understanding about the importance of good oral hygiene.
This provided a unique opportunity to work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to develop a resource to improve our communication with patients and build their capacity to make healthy choices and feel confident to ask questions about their care and treatment, resulting in better health outcomes.
We created a video that is shown throughout the waiting areas of our Oral Health facilities. This includes important oral hygiene and appointment information as well as eligibility criteria for Oral Health Services, health care rights, accessing additional support services or interpreters, and how to provide feedback.
Evaluation is currently underway. There has already been a decrease in complaints related to patients’ understanding of treatments, and an increase in patients reporting that staff are explaining treatment plans in ways they can understand. In addition, other written information for patients is being revised to better meet their needs.