About the Virtual Ward2024-07-25T11:27:43+10:00

About the Virtual Ward

What is the Virtual Ward?

The Virtual Ward provides hospital-level care to people in their place of residence. It provides ongoing monitoring, support and access to specialist health care professions to patients with a variety of condition who do not clinically require care within a hospital setting.

Patients receive regular contact with nursing, pharmacy, and medical staff via phone calls and/or video conferencing to monitor their symptoms, progress and wellbeing. Regular monitoring ensures that people who become more unwell can be reviewed by a nurse or doctor and transported to hospital if required.

It is your right as a patient to be involved in all decisions about your care. We welcome you to:

  • ask any questions
  • tell us what is important to you
  • give us feedback on how we can provide better care for you.

What will happen next?

  • Within 24 hours, a doctor will contact you to discuss your condition, plan your ongoing care, and coordinate with other teams as needed.
  • A pharmacist may reach out to answer medication questions, review your current prescriptions, and explain any new medications. Medications prescribed by the Virtual Ward doctor can be delivered to your home at no cost or alternatively organised through your preferred pharmacy.
  • If monitoring is required, we can provide you with devices for tracking blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, and temperature. Our team will guide you on how to use these devices and how to record the measurements. The devices are free of charge and don’t need to be returned.
  • While admitted to the Virtual Ward, our team will regularly check on you via phone or video calls. The frequency of calls will be adjusted based on your health condition. You may also be contacted by administrative or allied health staff.
  • If needed, the Virtual Ward team will consult with specialist clinicians for further guidance and planning to support your care at home.

Who do I call if I feel more unwell?

  • For emergencies call 000 or go to your nearest emergency department.
  • If you become unwell or your condition gets worse, call the Virtual Ward Deterioration Hotline on 1300 013 377 to speak to a senior registered nurse who will assess you and provide you with advice as what to do next. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • If you have general questions, you can call the Virtual Ward team on 07 3074 2109, 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. You can also ask any questions when our team call you

Bob’s Journey

Let’s follow Bob’s journey. Bob is an 85-year-old man who lives at home with his wife. He visits the local hospital and is diagnosed with a kidney infection.

The hospital then refers him to the Virtual Ward. Bob is assessed by our team of healthcare professionals via telehealth who starts his treatment, provide monitoring equipment such as a thermometer and blood pressure monitor and provide ongoing daily review.

A blood test is organised for Bob in his home which identifies a need for a change in his medication. A pharmacist calls Bob and arranges for the new medication to be delivered free of charge to his home. A doctor or nurse call Bob daily to check on him.

After a week on the Virtual Ward Bob is back to his usual self and discharged from the ward back to the care of his GP. Bob’s GP can track his progress and will receive a discharge letter from the Virtual Team.

Bob is very happy to have received the treatment he needed from the comfort of his home.

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