Redcliffe Hospital acknowledges stolen wages

Metro North Health Executive staff unveiling the plaque alongside respected Elders Uncle Gary Cobbo, Uncle David Wragge and Uncle Roger Knox
Redcliffe Hospital has formally acknowledged the history of using stolen wages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders to build the hospital.
A special gathering was held during National Reconciliation Week with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, community members and staff, as a formal apology was delivered by the Acting Chief Executive of Metro North Health.
The apology was an opportunity to commence the healing journey with Elders past and present, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community affected by past government policies.
Historical government records show that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ wages and savings were regularly used by the Department of Native Affairs (and its successor agencies responsible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) to offset government and departmental revenue by providing debentured loans to other agencies and corporate bodies. In doing so, it also enabled the development of Queensland through the building of infrastructure across the state, particularly the establishment and expansion of hospitals.
Acting Chief Executive Jane Hancock said the event was a momentous and historic occasion at Redcliffe Hospital to formally acknowledge the history of using stolen wages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders to build the hospital.

Elders proudly showcasing the new plaque at Redcliffe Hospital
“Metro North Health is one of the first Hospital and Health Services within the state to formally acknowledge the use of stolen wages and have a permanent apology plaque placed at the front of the hospital,” Ms Hancock said.
“I acknowledge the direct impact the stolen wages have had on many Metro North Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and community members, and I am honoured to have taken part in the unveiling of this plaque at Redcliffe Hospital, an important permanent reminder of this history.”
Proud Yidinji woman and Metro North Executive Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Sherry Holzapfel said the event was a culturally significant day for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
“Many of us have direct connections within our families of those affected by stolen wages and past government policies. The hurt and pain this has caused is momentous and carried through the generations,” Ms Holzapfel said.
“Today was our chance to publicly recognise the historical injustices associated with stolen wages. While we can’t re-write this painful history, we can now walk alongside each other in healing and reconciliation.”

Aunty Lesley Williams and Sherry Holzapfel, Executive Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Aunty Lesley Williams, an award-winning author (‘Not Just Black and White’) and an instigator of the Justice for Aboriginal Workers campaign, was proud to attend the gathering.
“My goodness! There isn’t going to be enough words as to how much it acknowledges. Today was so special and so meaningful for me. I first saw all this information when I started my research back in 1991-92. To think that the old people are with us today, in spirit, to know that all the money they worked for withheld in trust went into build places like Redcliffe Hospital,” Aunty Lesley said.
“I would love this to continue through with the other hospitals but what’s so significant about this hospital is the amount of money, being 100,000 pounds, or convert that to dollars, which in today’s terms would be a couple of million dollars in total that was held in trust. Our savings, held in trust. And I worked out it goes back four generations of people who had worked, for their money to be held in trust to have that amount of money kept in trust and used to build these hospitals.
“It’s been a long time coming. A lot of hard work has gone into it, but at the end of the day it’s happening, and it’s happening in our lifetime, and I know the old people would be pleased looking down, and their spirits are with us today.”
Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director Cang Dang said the plaque will be on permanent display at the front of the hospital and was initiated by the Redcliffe Hospital Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group.
“The Working Group is responsible for partnering with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as part of the health equity journey and is committed to delivering safe and welcoming environments,” Mr Dang said.
“Redcliffe Hospital pays tribute to the unique cultures, heritage, traditional knowledge and the significant contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made and continue to make to Redcliffe Hospital.”