Parking and transport
Parking at RBWH
There are 3 multi-storey undercover carparks available on the campus. Charges will apply at each carpark. Visit their websites for current fee rates and opening times.
There is no complimentary parking for visitors on the hospital grounds. Parking around the Herston area and the hospital complex is regulated and nearby streets are mostly local residents only. Some metered parking is available.
Concessional parking
Patients or their primary carer may be eligible for discounted parking where commercial car parking fees apply.
You may be eligible for car parking concessions under the following criteria:
Extended Stay
You have an extended stay requiring treatment as an inpatient (you are staying in hospital for the duration of your treatment) and have already been an inpatient for fourteen (14) consecutive days or longer.
A RBWH Concessional Car Parking Application Form will be available from either the Trust Office during business hours (Mon-Fri 730-1600) or from the Admission’s and Enquiries counter after hours. Instructions on how to complete the form and where to submit will also be provided.
Frequent outpatient
You have frequent outpatient (you attend hospital for an appointment and then go home) appointments where you attend hospital for at least 2 (two) appointments per week for 2 (two) consecutive weeks, and then on the third week of attendance you will qualify for the parking concession.
A RBWH Concessional Car Parking Application Form will be available from either the Trust Office during business hours or from the Admissions and Enquiries counter after hours. Instructions on how to complete the form and where to submit will also be provided.
Financial hardship and special considerations
You have financial hardship or special considerations. If you do not fit into one of the above categories, you may be able to apply for special needs.
The above information is to be used in conjunction with the Metro North Hospital Car Parking – Patient and Primary Carer Car Parking Concessions Policy and the RBWH Parking – Patient and Primary Carer Parking Concessions Procedure
Further information and Enquiries
The Trust Office is located on the Ground Floor of the Ned Hanlon Building, next to the Admissions and Enquires Counter, at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. The Trust Office operates Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:00 pm.
For any further information contact the RBWH Switchboard on (07) 3464 8111.
On-campus parking
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Butterfield St Carpark (Wilson Parking)
Location: 20 Butterfield Street, next to the Ned Hanlon building
This is the closest carpark to the main entrance of the hospital. Visitor entry and exit is via Butterfield Street or the circular drive at the main entrance. An undercover walkway links this carpark to level 1 of the Ned Hanlon building
Contact: (07) 3252 4333
Herston Road Carpark (Cornerstone Parking)
Location: 325 Herston Road, Herston QLD 4006Located at the junction of Gilchrist Avenue and Herston Road. This carpark is the closest to the mental health building, Block 7, Education Centre and QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.
Contact: (07) 3034 0511. For Monthly Parking please call (07) 3034 0531
Bramston Terrace Carpark (Point Parking)
Location: Bramston Terrace (off Herston Road), Herston QLD 4006
This carpark is the closest to the Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service Building (STARS)
Contact: (07) 3257 2778
Disabled parking
We have facilities to assist people with disabilities accessing the hospital. This includes:
- All Multistorey Carparks noted above have designated Disability Parking Bays
- Dedicated drop off zone at the front of the hospital for disabled parking. Please ask for assistance from a volunteer if you need to borrow a wheel chair
- Lifts are throughout the hospital for easy transport
- Disabled toilets are located on every floor. Please ask staff if you need further directions.
Pick up and drop off zone
There are 2 minute pick up/drop off areas for patients and visitors in the hospital grounds. They are located:
- In front of the main entrance of the hospital (of Butterfield Street)
- Outside the entry to the Joyce Twedell Building
- The entry to the Mental Health Unit.
People exceeding this two-minute limit may be fined. Parking fines apply for illegal parking in the hospital grounds.
Surrounding parking
Royal Brisbane Carpark (Cornerstone Parking)
Location: 43 Butterfield Street, Herston QLD 4006
This carpark is located across the road from the main hospital, but within easy walking distance. Entry and exit is via Butterfield Street.
Contact: (07) 3252 4333
The Pavilion Car Park (Brisbane Showgrounds)
Location: Gate 5 off O’Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills
Contact: (07) 3253 3900
Open: 24 hours, Monday – Sunday
Wren Street Carpark – PriPark
Location: Wren Street, Bowen Hills
Contact: 1300 720 53
Open: 24 hours, Monday – Sunday
Gregory Terrace – Royal International Convention Centre
Location: 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills
Contact: (07) 3253 3900
Open: 5am – midnight, Monday – Friday
Parking around the Herston area and the hospital complex is regulated. There is no parking for visitors on the hospital grounds. Some metered parking in surrounding streets is available.
Public transport
Bus station
There is a bus station located next to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Find out what buses stop at the hospital or search through the Translink journey planner
Train station
The nearest train stations are Brunswick Street station in Fortitude Valley or Bowen Hills station. Both stations are about 1km walk to Central Drive at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
Directions from Brunswick Street Station
Direction from Bowen Hills Station
For timetable information, call the TransLink Hotline on 131 230 or visit
A taxi rank is located at the main entrance to the hospital. This rank is close to the transit lounge and admission desk for the hospital. On request, the Ward Receptionist will telephone for a taxi to call for you at the transit lounge.
Free taxi phones are available in main reception areas including:
- Ground Floor Ned Hanlon building (Admission Desk)
- Level 4 Joyce Twedell Building (Cancer Care Admissions)
- Ground Floor Dr James Mayne Building (near Emergency)
Cycle Centre
RBWH Cycle Centre provides members and casual visitors with:
- 750 secure bike parking spaces
- male and female shower facilities
- secure lockers
- towel service
- ironing facilities and hair dryers
- air-conditioned premises
- security, including electronic entry for members and CCTV.