Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program2025-01-22T13:26:16+10:00

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program

Program objective

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • explain the purpose of spirometry testing
  • identify the contraindications to spirometry testing
  • conduct spirometry testing with adults and children to international standards and local guidelines
  • produce acceptable and repeatable results and recognise inaccurate test performances
  • interpret spirometry test results
  • implement quality assurance processes to ensure the accuracy of spirometry tests.

Target audience

The target audience is:

  • nurses, doctors and allied health professionals
  • occupational health technicians
  • medical assistants.

The program prepares participants to perform spirometry with adults or children, in tertiary healthcare facilities, community and rural health, general practice, occupational health services, outreach services, private practice specialist respiratory services, pathology services, and in research programs.

Upcoming events

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - TPCH

Date: 2 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date: 23 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date:13 June 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date:25 July 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date:15 August 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - TPCH

Date: 31 October 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date:14 November 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Date:5 December 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

The Spirometry training program is comprised of:

  • online education—covering six modules
  • a one day practical skills workshop
  • a workplace portfolio assessment.

Successful completion of all components is required to attain a certificate of completion.

The online education is comprised of six self-paced modules that cover the background knowledge required for spirometry practice.

Completion of the online education is a pre-requisite for attendance in the practical skills workshop.

iLearn for QH learners

Log into iLearn using your Novell log-in. Instructions for access to the course are found below

Follow links to enrol into the current online Spirometry Education course.

iLearn for non-QH learners

To access the modules, you will need to register with iLearn, the QH learning management system (https://ilearn.health.qld.gov.au).

Accessing the iLearn Spirometry Education Course

The one day practical skills workshop will enable clinicians to develop and demonstrate competency in conducting a spirometry test, interpreting results and ensuring quality control of spirometry equipment and processes.

To assist in the transfer of skills into the workplace, the practical skills workshop includes the completion of a workplace portfolio assessment—to be completed in the workplace or as negotiated with the workshop assessor.

The portfolio requires at least 10 spirometry tests, including calibration reports, to be submitted. The completed portfolio must be received by the workshop trainer no more than two months after attending the workshop.

The workshop trainer will provide ongoing support towards the completion of this assessment.

Queensland Health is committed to high quality spirometry practice and requires currency of practice to be demonstrated regularly and is dependent on the industry in which it is performed.

Currency of practice can be shown through attendance at professional development activities—for example, a spirometry refresher course, observation by an approved assessor in a respiratory laboratory, observation by an approved assessor in the workplace or other means, as negotiated with an approved assessor.

Refresher training is available to participants who have previously completed a full spirometry training program and have demonstrated currency of practice.  These courses are combined with the full program workshop and require completion of a pre-workshop portfolio. This assessment aims to check the effective transfer and maintenance of skills in the workplace after the initial training program completion. A portfolio assessment coversheet will be made available to participants on enrolment into the refresher course.

It is recommended that a refresher course is completed 12 months after initial course completion, and every 3 years thereafter, to maintain skills and currency of practice. This is a legal requirement for certain occupational health screening programs. Please check legal requirements with your state authority. The Resources Health and Safety Queensland authority (RSHQ) outlines legal requirements in Queensland.

Refresher course learning objective (in addition to program objectives).

On completion of the refresher course participants will be able to:

  • Incorporate new guidelines and recommendations into workplace practice.
  • Incorporate portfolio assessment feedback into workplace practice.
  • Integrate skills and knowledge into workplace practice.

The Refresher course may be delivered in a face-to-face or virtual face-to-face format.

Claiming Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points

  1. The QHSTP is not an accredited/endorsed activity with RACGP or any other registration body.
  2. The following can be self-recorded using RACGP Quick Log.
  3. Certificates are awarded for all the activities below through the iLearn portal:
    1. Educational activity: 4 hours for completing the online Spirometry Education modules through iLearn
    2. Educational activity: 6 hours for the workshop attendance
    3. Review and performance: 5 hours for completion of workplace spirometry portfolio.
  4. Total number of CPD points for full program completion is 15 hours.

Other registration or accreditation bodies

  1. Check your registration bodies requirement for CPD.
  2. Total number of CPD points for full program completion is 15 hours.
  3. The hours of CPD allocated to the self-directed online Spirometry Education, attendance of the workshop, and completion of the portfolio are outlined above.

Refresher courses

  1. Refresher workshops and the pre-workshop portfolio are allocated 8 hours of CPD.
  2. The online Spirometry Education is not mandatory for refreshers but if completed is allocated 4 hours of CPD.
Online Spirometry Education modules (iLearn)

Access to the online education modules is available through the QH Learning Management System, iLearn. Please see the “Online spirometry education” section for detailed instructions. ILearn registration is a separate process to QHSTP program registration.

Virtual workshop requirements

A QHSTP Virtual Workshop Checklist must be submitted to the QHSTP no later than ONE week prior to the workshop. This checklist provides the co-ordinator with information that ensures smooth running of the workshop.

To successfully participate in the virtual workshop please ensure you have the following in place well in advance of the workshop:

  1. The most CURRENT version of the Microsoft TEAMS application installed on the computer you will be using in the workshop. Check online for the most current version.
  2. Reliable access to the internet. If internet access is unreliable, you may need to join the workshop from a different location.
  3. A computer with a video camera, microphone, and speaker. Please familiarise yourself with these features on your computer before the workshop.
  4. A quiet space to access the workshop, free from workplace interruptions.
  5. A copy of the workshop manual which will be sent to you prior to the workshop.

Other highly recommended requirements:

  1. A spirometer, mouthpiece, and filter
  2. Spirometer software available on the computer you are using in the workshop.
  3. Ability to share the software screen through Microsoft TEAMS.

Please note the following fees apply from 1 July 2024:

  • $295 for Queensland Government employees (full and refresher course)
  • $575 for non-Queensland Government employees Full Course (inclusive of GST)
  • $355 for non-Queensland Government employees Refresher Course (inclusive of GST)

This includes online education modules, practical skills workshop (with catering) and all associated resources and assessments.

This privacy policy covers all personal information we hold, that is, information, or an opinion about an individual, whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from that information or opinion. This includes information we have collected from people through our office, over the phone and over the internet.

Contact us

Phone: (07) 3139 4755
Email: QHSTP@health.qld.gov.au

Resources Safety & Health Queensland Accredited logo - Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program


QHSTP Enrolments Policy

Consumer feedback

Consumer Feedback regarding any aspect of the QH Spirometry Training Program is invited by all stakeholders and is outlined in the Consumer Feedback Policy

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