Rapid Access Services2025-02-12T13:50:44+10:00

Rapid Access Services

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    Metro North Health is piloting a number of Rapid Access Clinics and Services. These services provide assessment and treatment to patients requiring escalation of care. They aim to bypass the need to attend ED where this is avoidable.

    Referrals for most Rapid Access Clinics can be made by calling the Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099, Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4pm. Eye Casualty is a walk in only clinic, please send referral information with the patient.

    This page will be updated as further services are made available.

    General Medicine Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) – The Prince Charles Hospital Catchment

    This clinic provides adult patients in the TPCH catchment area with a rapid general medicine clinic assessment and treatment (within 2-3 business days). The aim is to prevent an avoidable Emergency Department (ED) presentation by providing an early specialist intervention (but shouldn’t be seen as an alternative to an outpatient clinic referral).

    Operates Monday to Friday 8.30am -4pm.

    • Hemodynamically stable, general medical, adult patients.
    • Referrals may include management for patients with an acute flare of their chronic disease, wound review, low risk TIA review, hypertension, abnormal investigations or pathology that does not require emergency management.

    Exclusion criteria:

    • Systemically unwell patients.
    • Not suitable for conditions such as acute chest pain, shortness of breath, or those requiring intravenous therapy or emergency care.
    • Existing patients known to an oncology/palliative/respiratory/cardiology specialist at TPCH. These should be referred to those specialities if their condition requires specialist review.

    Please call via the Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099 Monday to Friday 8.30am -4pm.

    If the patient is accepted by the consultant for the RAC clinic, the patient is contacted directly by an admin officer to arrange an appointment time within 2-3 business days after referral. The patient does not need to present to the emergency department.

    Please provide your patient with TPCH General Medicine Rapid Access Clinic patient information flyer.

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications or those already tried, recent relevant investigations and if you are the patient’s usual GP.

    You will receive a letter detailing the recommended management plan for the patient (also available on “The Viewer”). You will be notified if the patient does not attend.

    Call the TPCH General Medicine RAC Nurse on (07) 3139 6721.

    Healthy Ageing Assessment Rehabilitation Team (HAART) Rapid Access Clinician – Kallangur Satellite Health Centre Catchment

    The Rapid Access Clinician (RAC) is an Advanced Occupational Therapist within the Kallangur Satellite Health Centre Healthy Ageing Assessment Rehabilitation Team (HAART). RAC provides same day or next day assessment and interventions to prevent hospital presentations from age related medical conditions.

    The Rapid Access Clinician is available Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.30pm.

    • Patient is over 65 years (Over 50 if Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander person).
    • Australian resident residing in Satellite Health Centre catchment suburb including Bray Park, Brendale, Cashmere, Dakabin, Dayboro, Eatons Hill, Griffin, Kallangur, Kobble Creek, Lacey’s Creek, Lawnton, Mount Samson, Murrumba Downs, Petrie, Samsonvale, Strathpine.
    • Patient requires immediate or next day intervention to prevent hospital admission due to age-related medical conditions.

    Exclusion criteria:
    Patients may be ineligible if:

    • Currently accessing equivalent services in public or private sector
    • Reside outside of catchment area
    • Medically unstable requiring inpatient assessment or currently an inpatient
    • Only require therapy for maintenance of chronic condition
    • Residential aged care facility residents

    Please call the Rapid Access Clinician on 1800 569 099.

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications, recent relevant investigations and if you are the patient’s usual GP.

    Please contact the clinic for further information on 1800 569 099.

    Older Persons Emergency Network (OPEN): Fracture Service for RACFs – Metro North catchment

    OPEN is an emergency department substitution service offering emergency care for older people in their own home. The Fracture service provides fracture management for residential aged care facilities. Services include acute fracture management, fracture follow up, plaster application/re-application and medical imaging. The multidisciplinary team consists of senior medical officers, nurse practitioners and pharmacists.

    OPEN operates 7 days a week 8.00am – 8.00pm.

    • Residential aged care facility residents based in the Metro North catchment
    • Uncomplicated confirmed fracture that can be managed at the patient’s RACF
    • Post reduction/surgical intervention once discharged from hospital

    Exclusion criteria

    • Acute closed fracture requiring sedation for reduction
    • Fractures requiring surgical management

    Please call 1300 072 327 to refer the patient. Referrals are accepted 8.00am – 8.00pm 7 days/week.

    Type and location of fracture, why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications, recent investigations and is you are the patient’s regular GP

    The referrer will receive a discharge summary of the patient assessment, interventions and care recommendations.

    Please contact OPEN on 1300 072 327 or via open@health.qld.gov.au.

    Further information can be found on the OPEN webpage.

    Rapid Access to Community Care Service – Metro North wide catchment

    Rapid Access to Community Care (RACC) provides timely access to community care for community adult clients to prevent avoidable hospital presentations.

    RACC accepts direct clinician to clinician referrals via phone from GPs for adult patients experiencing chronic disease exacerbation and illness requiring rapid community response.

    Operates Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm.

    General Practitioners and Practice Nurses can now refer adult patients who are experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic condition or a new illness or injury that require rapid, comprehensive, community assessment or advice as an alternative to hospital presentation.

    Exclusion Criteria

    The service will not accept referrals for patients when;

    • Primary issue of concern is acute mental health presentation
    • Primary issue of concern is alcohol, tobacco or other drugs
    • Safety concerns exist for home visiting staff
    • Patient resides in Residential Aged Care Facility

    Two options for GPs:

    1. Phone:

    Please phone the Rapid Access to Community Care team direct on 1300 220 922 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

    Alternatively, please call via the Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099 Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4pm.

    1. Electronic

    Referrals can also be sent via GP Smart referrals to the central patient intake unit.

    The RACC clinical nurse and/or occupational therapist (depending on the reason for referral) will initially assess the patient in their own home within 1 business day and refer on to the most appropriate, established community support services including:

    1. Metro North Community Health services:
      • Post Acute Care
      • Coordinated, complex, multidisciplinary care
      • Allied health services  e.g. Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Speech Therapy, Social Work, Podiatry, Pharmacy medication review
      • Nursing Care
      • Geriatrician
      • Rehabilitation
      • ACAT
      • Diabetes
    2. PHN Team Care Coordination (noting that GPs can continue to direct refer to Team Care Coordination)
    3. Non-Government Organisations
    4. My Aged Care
    5. Home support

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications.

    Feedback will be provided to the referrer by the RACC Team.

    Call the service on 1300 220 922.

    Rapid Access Heart Failure Treatment Service (RAHFTS)

    The aim is to prevent an avoidable Emergency Department presentation for heart failure by providing early specialist nursing intervention within 24 to 72 hours.  IV diuretics can be administered.

    The Rapid Access Heart Failure Treatment Service (RAHFTS)  is  available for adult patients with heart failure who are known to any treating teams in the Metro North catchment.

    Exclusion Criteria

    • Those requiring emergency care such as acute chest pain, where any delay in treatment could be dangerous.

    GPs can call Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099 Monday to Friday 8.30am-4pm. (Same day triage to emergency, ward, or RAHFTS)

    NB: Patients can self-refer via contacting their local heart failure support service (see numbers under ‘for more information’)

    • Patients will usually be offered a RAHFTS appointment at the hospital most involved in their care and/or closest to home (depending on urgency). RAHFTS locations are at The Prince Charles Hospital (Mon, Wed) or Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital (Tues, Thurs) and Redcliffe Hospital (Wed).
    • Patients accepted in to RAHFTS will be contacted within one business day of referral and provided with instructions on check in and clinic location.

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications or those already tried, recent relevant investigations and if you are the patient’s usual GP.

    You will receive a letter detailing the recommended management plan for the patient and what treatment was provided at RAHFTS (also available on “The Viewer”). You will be notified on the day of the clinics if the patient does not attend.

    Please contact the following Heart Failure Support Services:

    Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital: Tel 3646 6465
    The Prince Charles Hospital : Tel 3139 4693 option 3
    Redcliffe Hospital RAHFTS/Cardiac liaison service: Tel 3049 6821

    Metro North Virtual Ward – Metro North wide catchment

    Metro North Virtual Ward provides timely access to acute virtual care in the community for adult clients to prevent avoidable hospital presentations. The Virtual Ward team includes medical officers, nurses, pharmacists, and social workers and provides acute admitted inpatient level care for patients in their own home via telehealth.

    Where required, patients will be provided with an oxygen saturation probe, blood pressure machine, thermometer, glucometer or scales free of charge to monitor their vital signs during their admission.  The Virtual Ward admission is expected to be short term with transfer back to the referring general practitioner for ongoing care as soon as the acute problem is clinically stable, or a direct admission to a hospital ward facilitated if required.

    Operates Monday to Sunday 7am – 7pm with a deteriorating hotline for patients to call outside of those hours that is answered by an experienced Virtual Ward nurse.

    General Practitioners can refer adult high risk adult COVID patients or moderate risk patients of concern and those requiring IV Remdesivir.

    Virtual Ward can also accept patients who are experiencing an acute illness or an acute exacerbation of a chronic condition that requires ongoing monitoring and treatment as an alternative to hospital presentation such as:

    • Patients who require a brief period of monitoring and treatment which would otherwise require them to stay in hospital
    • Patients at risk of deterioration, which if detected early, can be managed at home with the aim that hospital admission be avoided

    Examples of conditions that may be suitable

    • infective exacerbations of asthma and other chronic obstructive airway conditions
    • community acquired pneumonia
    • soft tissue, skin infections
    • urinary tract infection
    • severe hypertension without neurological red flags for short term monitoring, medication adjustment
    • high blood sugar without ketoacidosis for short term monitoring, medication adjustment.

    Exclusion Criteria

    The service will not accept referrals for patients when;

    • Patients aged under 16 years
    • Patients residing in an Residential Aged Care Facility (please contact RADAR)

    Please phone the Virtual Ward team direct on 3074 2109 Monday to Sunday 8.00am – 5.00pm. If your patient is accepted by the Virtual Ward Consultant please complete an electronic referral using Virtual Ward specific, Best Practice or Medical Director, referral templates which can be accessed from the Brisbane North PHN website.

    Alternatively, please call via the Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099 Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4pm.

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications.

    Virtual Ward progress notes are available on The Viewer and a Discharge Summary will be completed and provided to the GP following the Virtual Ward admission.

    Metro North Virtual Ward for more information or call the service on 3074 2109.

    Vestibular Rapid Access Service – The Prince Charles Hospital

    This clinic provides physiotherapy-led vestibular assessment and treatment for adult patients in The Prince Charles Hospital catchment within 1-2 business days. The aim is to prevent an avoidable Emergency Department presentation by providing early specialist intervention.

    The Rapid Access Service operates Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm.

    • New or worsening dizziness
    • Patients with recurrence of dizziness previously seen in the vestibular service

    Exclusion Criteria

    • Out of catchment for TPCH

    Please call via the Metro North Clinical Advice Line on 1800 569 099 Monday to Friday 8.30am 4pm.

    If the patient is accepted for review in clinic, the patient is contacted directly by the Advanced Vestibular Physiotherapist to arrange an appointment time within 1-2 business days after referral. The patient does not need to present to the emergency department.

    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications, recent relevant investigations.

    Feedback will be provided to the referrer by the Vestibular Rapid Access team. 

    Please contact the clinic for further information on (07) 3139 6073.

    Eye Casualty – RBWH

    This clinic provides adult patients in the Metro North catchment area with a rapid eye assessment and treatment on a walk in basis only. Eye Casualty is a Rapid Access Clinic for acute or urgent eye assessment and patients are triaged on arrival; and seen in order of assessed urgency.

    Eye Casualty is located on level 8, Ned Hanlon Building, RBWH and operates Monday to Friday 8.00am – 3.00pm. Please refer to the Department of Emergency Medicine, RBWH outside these hours.

    All adult patients are accepted to Eye Casualty.
    Patients should present to Eye Casualty with a written referral including the information as described below. Patients are triaged and seen in order of assessed urgency.
    Why you want the patient seen, past medical history, current medications, recent relevant investigations and if you are the patient’s usual GP or Optometrist.

    See Ophthalmology – Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital for more information regarding RBWH Ophthalmology services.

    Contact us

    Metro North Clinical Advice Line
    Phone: 1800 569 099
    Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4pm

    Rapid Access to Community Care (RACC)
    Phone: 1300 220 922

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