Contact us2025-01-15T14:09:15+10:00

Contact us

Emergencies call 000

or go to your nearest hospital Emergency department.
Non-urgent medical issues: 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

General enquiries

Phone: (07) 3647 7111


296 Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029


We appreciate your feedback to help us continually improve our services. If you are unhappy with the care you have received or if you would like to provide a compliment or other feedback about your care or our services, please contact us using the form below or contact:

Patient Experience Officer
Phone: (07) 3647 6976

Patient Experience Officer

Phone: (07) 3647 6976


Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Department
Phone: 1300 771 472

Surgical Procedural Centre
Phone: 1300 771 673

Ambulatory Care Outpatients
Phone: 1300 771 675

Geriatric and Rehabilitation Outpatient Services and Day Hospital
Phone: 1300 771 736

Allied Health Department
Phone: (07) 3647 7111

Accounts (inpatients)

Phone: (07) 3542 5043

Feedback and enquiries

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