STARS Education and Research Alliance (SERA)
The STARS Education and Research Alliance (SERA) is a partnership between Metro North Health and The University of Queensland. The alliance brings together world-leading researchers, clinicians and educators to create knowledge and embed clinical research that transforms patient outcomes and clinical care.
This alliance between Metro North Health and The University of Queensland enriches collaboration between clinicians, researchers and students, working together to put real time research into action and deliver tailored clinical care. As a research-active healthcare facility, patients, families, and members of the community can also choose to work hand-in-hand with research teams and clinicians to deliver patient-centric models of care.
Our inclusive and innovative approach is creating a better way of working that makes individualised, high quality care the centre of everything we do. Education is critical to this – and together, we’re shaping the next generation of clinicians through new models of interprofessional education. We’re creating an ever evolving, never static approach to care through new research and education that’s driven by the needs of consumers and clinicians, as well as important strategic priorities (at local, national and international levels).
And we’re ensuring today’s research is tomorrow’s treatment, delivering exceptional health outcomes now and into the future.
The Alliance includes the Director and a core team of conjoint/clinical fellows in Allied Health, Nursing and Medicine, who drive their own research programs and support collaborative research. Support for Alliance activities is provided via key roles including the Alliance Manager, Administrative Support Officer, Consumer Engagement Project Officer, and Clinical Education Support Officer. The Alliance includes two established research centres based in STARS: the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC) and the RECOVER Injury Research Centre. In the broadest sense, the Alliance includes everyone working to achieve the Alliance objectives and vision around research, education, and clinical care.
Message from Professor David Copland and Professor Pip Logan, SERA Co-Directors
We’re excited to be leading the STARS Education and Research Alliance (SERA) which is a 20 year partnership, which started in 2021, between Metro North Health and the University of Queensland that brings together clinicians, researchers, educators, consumers, and students. STARS hospital is one of the largest specialist surgical and rehabilitation hospitals in the southern hemisphere and our alliance is uniquely positioned to drive innovative education, research and clinical practice that delivers better health care and outcomes for patients, families and staff from both organisations in this setting and beyond. We’ve already made great progress in consumer partnered and clinically impactful research, for example by implementing new and effective therapy programs for stroke patients with a communication disability and setting up interventions to help people set their own rehabilitation goals, such as getting back to work. Our interprofessional education and practice work is building the next generation of educators, researchers and clinicians. We’re keen to develop new partnerships with consumers, clinicians, researchers, industry and educators to build on this work.

Contact details
STARS Education and Research Alliance
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)
Phone: (07) 3647 1562
Street address:
296 Herston Rd