Project Description
Dr Elizabeth Beadle

Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist and Conjoint Research Fellow
Dr Elizabeth Beadle is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist and conjoint research fellow in the STARS Education and Research Alliance. Lizzie has over ten years’ experience supporting individuals with mental health and neurological conditions and their families through clinical practice and research. She has previously been employed through several brain injury and mental health services across Brisbane. Lizzie completed her clinical doctorate in 2011, with her research on a pilot study of an anger management intervention for children with brain injuries. Lizzie went on to complete her PhD through Griffith University in 2018, investigating changes in identity after a severe TBI in adulthood (supervised by Professor Tamara Ownsworth, Professor Jennifer Fleming, and Professor David Shum). Through her PhD Lizzie was involved with ‘Moving Ahead’ – the Centre of Research Excellence in Brain Recovery. Lizzie has also been involved in research around self-awareness after brain injury and technology use in rehabilitation. She has been involved in several QI projects through her clinical role in Queensland Health, including commencement and integration a psychology service at ABITRS, embedding technology and telehealth at ABITRS and psychology services across metro south, embedding behaviour support and carer training through various brain injury services, and start-up of a concussion service. Lizzie is also currently the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment’s Social Media Officer and committee member, and encourages you to join her on Twitter (@dr_EBeadle).