Project Description
Dr Lisa Anemaat

Conjoint Research Fellow, Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI)
Dr Lisa Anemaat is a speech pathologist and has been working with the STARS Education and Research Alliance as the Research Consumer Group Project Officer (since 2022), supporting and empowering consumers to be involved in health service research. Lisa’s PhD, completed in 2023, used Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) to co-design services for the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC). Her research explored the unmet needs and priorities of stroke survivors to inform service development across remote, regional and metropolitan areas of Queensland. Lisa started her career as a registered nurse and spent 14 years working cross-culturally in the Peoples Republic of China. As the CCI conjoint research fellow, Lisa will lead a program of research focussed on community and consumer involvement in research, aligned with the research priorities of STARS/MN and UQ School of Rehabilitation Sciences.