
Project Description

Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)

The Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC) is a University of Queensland research centre, located at STARS, in partnership with Metro North and is the first clinically based centre dedicated to aphasia in Australia. Aphasia is a language and communication disability that commonly occurs after a stroke. There are over 140,000 people in Australia currently living with aphasia. QARC is dedicated to optimising the lives of people living with aphasia through research, service and partnerships. The objectives of the centre include developing and delivering new effective treatments for people with aphasia that maximise access including technology-enabled solutions, and co-designing aphasia services and supports with people living with aphasia and clinicians. QARC also provides a platform for increased collaborations between clinicians and researchers, and supports clinicians and students to translate evidence into practice. Professor David Copland is the Director of QARC.

Group of people on stairs

Professor David Copland and the QARC team

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