Adult Inpatient Mental Health Service

Our adult inpatient service cares for people, aged 18 years and over, needing inpatient care for treatment of mental health issues.

Our services

We provide assistance to you and your support person, including:

  • planning your care, treatment and recovery
  • helping you achieve daily goals and recognise strengths
  • connecting you to ongoing treatment after you leave hospital.

There is specialist care available for people older than 65 years.

How to access this service

You can access this service following an assessment by a mental health clinician and doctor. This can be done at The Prince Charles Hospital emergency department or by our Acute Care Team or at our Community Mental Health Services.

What to bring

Each time you visit us
  • Your Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Recovery goals and plan
  • Medications you are currently taking, including any that you have bought without a prescription and herbal medicine
  • Private health insurance card (if you want to use it)
  • Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame
Staying overnight or longer
  • Sleepwear and comfortable day clothes
  • Slippers and shoes (low heel, closed-in, non-slip, adjustable and firm fitting around the foot)
  • Your toiletries and personal items
  • Copy of Advanced Healthcare Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney if you have one
  • Something to read or do during your stay
  • Medical devices required for your care (e.g. CPAP machine)
  • Do not bring large amounts of cash, cigarettes or valuables such as jewellery, watches or other items of value to you

Your treatment team

The team looking after you during your stay will include psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, a pharmacist, occupational therapists, psychologists, dietitians and consumer and carer services.

We encourage your support person to meet with your team to be part of your treatment and recovery planning. If you don’t want your support person to be involved in your care, please discuss this with your nurse or doctor.

Your GP and/or private psychiatrist will be contacted to ensure that everyone involved in your care understands the plan for your treatment and ongoing care.

Frequently asked questions

The average time that people spend in hospital is about 8 days but some people will stay less and others longer. Ask your doctor when you can expect to be discharged.

Smoking is not permitted in or within 5 metres of any Queensland Health hospital. You will have free nicotine replacement therapy available to you while you are staying in hospital. You are not permitted to have cigarettes in the inpatient ward. If you bring cigarettes to the hospital, they will be stored and returned to you on discharge if you ask for them.

During the early part of your stay you may be asked to stay on the ward, please discuss time off the ward with your doctor.

Yes, children are welcome to visit the ward. Prior to the visit, please discuss with your nurse so that a quiet room can be arranged.

Contact us

Location: Ground floor, Building 5, The Prince Charles Hospital
Phone: East Wing (07) 3139 4619
West Wing (07) 3139 4569

Need help outside hours?

Call 1300 MHCALL (1300 642 255).

In the case of an emergency call 000.

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