
New sub-specialty delivers care closer to home

Queensland residents with conditions affecting their joints, muscle and soft tissue are receiving quality care closer to home with a new rheumatology specialist outpatient service care of Metro North Health.

The rheumatology specialist outpatient service in Wide Bay is now being delivered through innovative in-person and technology-enabled care.

Rheumatology specialists from The Prince Charles Hospital along with Professor Geoff McColl from the University of Queensland now travel to Hervey Bay Hospital each month to hold a full-day outpatient clinic.

Additionally, the telehealth clinic is delivered three times a month at Hervey Bay Hospital – a pilot site for Wide Bay – assisting in faster diagnosis and reduced wait times.

The service is set to benefit as many as 600 patients and their families who would ordinarily have to drive to Brisbane for this kind of care.

Metro North Health Executive Director Medicine Stream Jeffrey Rowland said the team were pleased that there was now an excellent specialist rheumatology service providing care closer to home.

“We are honoured to have the expertise and collaboration from Professor Geoff McColl from The University of Queensland, forming a strong partnership and representing our shared commitment to specialist medical services for the deserved patients of Wide Bay,” Dr Rowland said.

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Board Chair Peta Jamieson said the Board welcomed the partnership with Metro North Health to provide more equitable access to care in the Wide Bay region.

“Patients with a rheumatologic disorder are often suffering from severe and chronic inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, which results in pain, swelling, stiffness and sometimes loss of function,” Ms Jamieson said.

“Providing a service within our region will greatly improve their quality of life, provide a much less stressful and painful experience and reduce the financial and social burden of travelling to Brisbane for care.”

2022-03-11T13:23:52+10:0011 March 2022|
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