
Relishing her role in residential aged care

Jacinta is loving her new role supporting the residents at Cooinda House.

Jacinta is loving her new role supporting the residents at Cooinda House.

While only joining Cooinda House this year enrolled nurse Jacinta McDonagh has relished the experience working in geriatric and complex care.

“While I have spent a lot of the time in the private sector, I have always wanted to be part of the public residential aged care sector, especially areas which specialise in geriatric care and managing mental health and complex cases,” Jacinta said.

“I wish I had moved to Cooinda House sooner. I enjoy working with the team here at Cooinda as everyone is supportive and I enjoy the work-life balance.

“I really appreciate the staff knowledge and access to education opportunities in residential aged care. There is always someone here who can help or provide guidance and advice.

“The residents here are so lovely. I find that many are like nice aunties or uncles.

“I love supporting our residents, they have a lot of life left to live in their twilight years. I really enjoy supporting them in everyday life.”

Jacinta plans to continue working in the residential aged care sector and go back to university to become a Registered Nurse.

Cooinda House (located at Kippa Ring) is a 60-bed home which provides care for the elderly who require a secure dementia environment and/or specialised residential care for those with an intellectual disability, psychogeriatric, bariatric or aged care need.

Cooinda House recently successfully passed the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Accreditation with no changes required, and this acknowledgement continues from families and residents who highlight the kindness of care as their topmost feedback.

2024-04-19T11:25:36+10:0019 April 2024|
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