Brighton Health Campus2025-03-12T13:52:25+10:00

Brighton Health Campus

The Health Campus was established in 1946 as a benevolent home and throughout the years the service has evolved in response to changing health needs and priorities.

We have worked with patients, families and staff to move our rehabilitation patients from our acquired brain injury service to Brighton Health Campus to provide better access to the community and local services.

The Brighton Brain Injury Service (formerly Jacana Acquired Brain Injury) re-location occurred in early 2019, and aligns with our commitment to make Brighton Health Campus a home for long-term residents, and a high-class rehabilitation centre which provides better options for patients to more effectively transition back into the community.

In addition, we have introduced interim care services to the campus in mid-December 2018.

The Brighton Health Campus provides 24/7 subacute rehabilitation, residential care and complex care services through the following centres:

Brighton Health Campus
Interim Care
There aren't many more deserving for Gannet House's Aoifou Fili who was the 2024 Metro North Health Assistant in Nursing award winner.

Our services

Brighton clients, together with their families and carers, work in partnership with our healthcare professionals to develop care plans tailored to their needs. High quality care and support is provided to give each client the best chance of achieving their individual health and wellbeing goals.

Clients can access services including:

Campus facilities

While staying at Brighton Health Campus, patients also have access to:

  • a multi-faith space
  • an on-site café
  • an auditorium
  • Brighton Wellness Hub
  • the Men’s Shed

Community Connections

We understand the importance of social connections for enhancing feelings of wellbeing and quality of life, supporting physical and mental health, promoting positive ageing and helping people cope with life’s challenges. As well as providing health services, the Brighton Health Campus is a meeting place for many local community groups who welcome new members to participate in their activities and experience meaningful relationships with others.

Brighton Health Campus multi faith room

The Brighton Health Campus multi faith room is now available to individuals and small groups of staff, families, patients and residents to use for quiet reflection and worship. The multi faith room is open 24/7, seven days a week. Visiting hours are 7.00 am to 4.00 pm. For after-hours access please contact Brighton Health Campus security on 3631 7547.

Visiting hours and wards

We encourage family and friends to visit our patients during their stay. Visiting hours are flexible, and vary from ward to ward. Some wards/areas have restricted visiting hours due to the nature of care being provided in that particular clinical area and most wards have rest periods. Visitors can ask ward staff about the particular visiting arrangements for the ward where their relative or friend is staying. Visitors are asked to consider the needs of other patients in the room. The nurse unit manager is responsible for the ward and may ask visitors to leave, or restrict visitors during medical and nursing procedures and in emergency situations. Visitors should not attend the hospital if they have a potentially infectious illness (e.g. coughs or colds, gastro symptoms). Children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times. To contact a ward, phone our switchboard on (07) 36317400 and ask to be put through.

Parking and transport

There is on-site parking as well as convenient patient drop-off areas. Bus stops are located adjacent to the campus, on the Hornibrook Highway. The nearest railway stations are at Sandgate and Shorncliffe, with bus connections available.

Brighton Health Campus


Contact us

Location: Brighton Health Campus 449 Hornibrook Highway BRIGHTON 4017 Phone: (07) 3631 7400 Fax: (07) 3631 7411 Email: COH-BrightonHealthCampus

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH or visit your GP In an emergency call 000 or go to a hospital

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