Brain Injury Community Integration Service (BICS)

We are a dedicated team committed to supporting individuals and their families after a brain injury, helping them to create sustainable networks in the community. We provide information, support and education services to people with brain injuries, their families and carers, assisting them in achieving client-centre goals and valued life roles.

Our services

The BICS service aims to:

  • Encourage and enable people with brain injuries to get back into the community, including their return to valued life roles.
  • Empower individuals with brain injuries and their families to manage their health independently.
  • Work in collaboration with all aspects of healthcare for integrated decision-making and planning to achieve the goals identified by the client.

BICS support can be provided at your home, in the local community or at a local Health Centre within Metro North.

How to access this service

To access this service a person must have:

  • An adult-onset acquired brain injury (including stroke, trauma, hypoxic and inflammatory cause)
    • Whereby the brain injury is the primary injury or cause of disability.
  • Be a Queensland resident and live in the Metro North catchment (if you are unsure – please contact us)
  • Be an adult of working age range (typically 16 and older)

When to Refer

I am a person with brain injury / I support a person with brain injury

I am a referring clinician

  • Referrals should be made when a person with the brain injury is:
    • already living in the community
    • reaching the end of their inpatient or intensive ambulatory/community rehabilitation programs, typically two weeks prior to discharge.

To Refer a patient to this service, please complete the BICS Referral Form and email to

We encourage you to call to discuss any potential referrals on (07) 3897 6209.

GP and Specialist Referral Hotline: 1300 658 252.

Contact us

Brain Injury Community Integration Service (BICS)
Location: Redcliffe Community Health Centre
Phone: (07) 3897 6209

To refer a patient

Complete the BICS Referral Form

We encourage you to call to discuss any potential referrals on (07) 3897 6209

GP and Specialist Referral Hotline: 1300 658 252

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.

In an emergency call 000.

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