Volunteer roles and opportunities2025-03-07T16:41:59+10:00

Volunteer roles and opportunities

We offer a range of volunteering opportunities in various locations and work to match each person’s skills and interests to activities best suited to them. We encourage volunteers to commit to a minimum of 4 hours per week, either on one single day or spread over the week.

Some volunteer activities include:

  • working alongside allied health professionals to provide support to our patients/residents and their loved ones
  • meeting and greeting patients, families and visitors
  • help with folding brochures and preparing information packs
  • engaging with patients and consumers for patient experience surveys
  • providing companionship and bedside visits
  • supporting social and recreational activities including morning teas, bingo, reading groups, arts and craft, music
  • supporting community access activities including outings and bus trips
  • supporting outdoor activities including gardening and walking groups
  • supporting activities, information sessions and events at the Brighton Wellness Hub.
  • Rainbow Room,  Peer Support Volunteers (LGBTIQA+)
  • Health Navigator Volunteers

Contact us

Volunteer Program
Phone: (07) 3631 7450
Email: COH-Engagement@health.qld.gov.au

Join our team

If you’d like to be a volunteer please complete our expression of interest form.

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