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So far Douglas has created 39 blog entries.

Celebrating our staff

Outstanding staff achievements were on show at the annual Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. From more than 140 nominations, judges selected winners and highly commended recipients from across the health service.

Games-based Hearoes app sounds good

Audiologists at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) have helped in the development of an Australian-first app that guides hearing impaired people through the new environment of sound, following a hearing implant.

Upgraded facility improves care for cystic fibrosis patients

An almost $3m upgrade to The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) is giving patients with cystic fibrosis the best and safest care during hospital stays. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the new wards were up to the very best international standards, which was important for CF patients who may have to visit hospital frequently.

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