News extended archive2023-11-06T08:23:15+10:00

News (extended archive)

STARS five green star hospital performance rating

The Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) located at the Herston Health Precinct has received a five green star performance rating by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) for its excellence in building operations.

5 April 2024|

Pride in Metro North launch

Pride in Metro North Executive Sponsor Grant Carey-Ide welcomes the Pride in Metro North initiative and the support it will provide to the Metro North LGBTQIA+ community.

28 March 2024|

Keeping staff safer at work

Joe Fiorello is Redcliffe Hospital's Occupational Violence Prevention Advisor - he's been helping make staff safer at work for more than 17 years.

22 March 2024|

Inclusive approach brings out the best

Michelle is neurodiverse and celebrates her Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) as her superpower. It often is. However, traditional job interviews have long been her kryptonite.

15 March 2024|

Faster treatment for heart failure

Patients with heart failure can now access early treatment and avoid hospital admission following the introduction of a new Rapid Access Heart Failure Service at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH).

23 February 2024|
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