Contact an Oncologist
Urgent Clinical Advice Procedure
Following information required:
- Patients name and DOB, RBWH UR number if known
- Type of advice needed: Haematology, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology.
- Name of treating RBWH consultant if applicable
- Brief description of the clinical problem
If phone advice is required, please make available a phone number that our medical staff can contact you directly.
Extremely urgent is considered to be advice required within one hour.
Urgent requests will be answered within 24-48 hours.
Contact details:
Medical Oncology:
P: (07) 3646 7983
E: Med_Onc_Secretary@health.qld.gov.au
P: (07) 3646 1340
E: Haematology_Secretary@health.qld.gov.au
Radiation Oncology:
P: (07) 3646 0967
E: Rad_Onc_Secretary@health.qld.gov.au
Cancer Care Services Fax Line:
F: (07) 3646 4221
The above phone numbers and emails are answered by Cancer Care Administration staff.
Office hours: 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Medical Oncologists
A/Prof. David Wyld – Director of Medical Oncology
A/Prof. Melissa Eastgate – Deputy Director of Medical Oncology
- Dr. Haidar Al-Saig
- Dr. Matthew Burge
- Dr. Chan Loo Gan
- Dr. Jeffrey Goh
- A/Prof. Brett Hughes
- Dr. Anna Kuchel
- Dr. Po Inglis
- Dr. Aneta Suder
- Dr. Darshit Thaker
- A/Prof. Zarnie Lwin
Haematologists /Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)
Dr. Cameron Curley – Acting Director of Haematology/BMT
- Dr. Rebecca Cleary
- Dr. Jason Butler
- Dr. Andrea Henden
- A/Prof. Glen Kennedy
- A/Prof. Steven Lane
- Dr. Victoria Ling
- A/Prof. James Morton AM
- Dr. Kirk Morris
- Dr Ashleigh Scott
- Dr. Michelle Spanevello
- Dr. Elango Subramonia Pillai
- Dr. Siok Tey
- Dr. Nicholas Weber
- Dr. Jivah Yatika
Radiation Oncologist
Dr. Penny Mackenzie –Director of Radiation Oncology
- Dr. Catherine Bettington
- Dr. Samantha Barbour
- Dr. Philip Chan
- Dr. Robyn Cheuk
- A/Prof. Benjamin Chua
- Dr. Rachel Effeney
- Dr. Michelle Grogan
- Professor Lizbeth Kenny AO
- A/Prof. Charles Lin
- Dr Gary Pratt
8.30am registrations 9.00am– 3.30pm
For more information about this event contact:
E: Med_Onc_Secretary@health.qld.gov.au P: (07) 3646 7983