Electronic Medicines Management: Implementation, Optimisation and Safety
Spotlight on the Presenter
Nicole Harper
Evaluation Pharmacist, Electronic Medications
Management Program, Digital Metro North Technology Services, MNHHS
The implementation of MedChart (an electronic prescribing and administration system) at Caboolture Hospital has been a recent success for Metro North Hospital and Health Service. But that can we learn from this? Is an electronic prescribing system better for medication safety? Are there any benefits to having an electronic prescribing system, and what are the challenges? The Metro North Electronic Medications Management program has explored these issues to gain meaningful lessons for sites with digital prescribing and those about to embark on the digital prescribing journey.
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Time: 12.00pm – 12.30pm lunch served
12.30pm – 1.30pm presentation
RBWH Venue
Attend in person
Education Centre Seminar
Room 1, Royal Brisbane
and Women’s Hospital
PAH Venue
Watch via video conference
Room 2004, Translational
Research Institute, Princess
Alexandra Hospital
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IOS or Android via Zoom
video conference
Meeting ID: 973-778-229
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