Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)

The Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS), formerly known as the Eating Disorder Outreach Service (EDOS), provides assessment, care and treatment for people and their families affected by eating disorders. We also provide advice, support, training and education for health professionals.

Our services

The Eating Disorder Service provides advice, treatment and education services. These include:

  • Outpatient treatment services (for 18 years and older as under 18 years are serviced by Child and Youth Mental Health Services)
  • QuEDS Day Program is an intensive program held for 4 days a week for 8 weeks (for 16 years and older).
  • Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

View more information about our outpatient and day patient services for eating disorder recovery.

How to access this service

You need a Queensland eating disorder service referral form from your GP or other treating health professions to access this service.  Your doctor will need to send your referral letter to the hospital with recent bloods attached via fax or email (see contact details below). Staff will then be in touch to make an appointment using the details provided on the referral.

We aim to see you as soon as we can. Once we receive your referral, there may be up to a 6 week wait for outpatient appointments.

Please see our Queensland Health webpage dedicated to individuals experiencing eating disorders and their loved ones for more information on QuEDS services, how to access these services and other support options available to you now.

What to bring

Each time you visit us
  • Your Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Recovery goals and plan
  • Medications you are currently taking, including any that you have bought without a prescription and herbal medicine
  • Private health insurance card (if you want to use it)
  • Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame
For an outpatient or clinic appointment
  • Your appointment letter
  • Any special items listed on your letter
  • Snacks, a drink or money to buy refreshments


Frequently asked questions

Support and treatment options depend on the age of the individual experiencing the eating disorder. Please see our webpage dedicated to individuals experiencing eating disorders and their loved ones for more information on QuEDS services, how to access these services and other support options available to you now.

There are non-government services that can assist you. These include:

Please see our webpage dedicated to individuals experiencing eating disorders and their loved ones for more information on QuEDS services, how to access these services and other support options available to you now.

The Eating Disorders Queensland (merger of Eating Issues Centre and Eating Disorders Association) can provide a register of health professionals with a special interest in eating disorders. Alternatively, please discuss with your General Practitioner a referral to the QuEDS outpatient clinic service, for diagnostic clarification and recommendations specific to individual cases.

Contact us

Intake line
Phone: (07) 3114 0809
Fax: (07) 3100 7555

QuEDS Day Program
Location: 2 Finney Road, Indooroopilly

Spring Hill Community Mental Health Centre
Location: 121 Wharf St, Spring Hill
Phone: 3834 1605

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.

In an emergency call 000.

Health professionals

We provide advice, support, training and education for health professionals.

QuEDS now have a Queensland Health webpage dedicated to information for health professionals on accessing QuEDS services and locating further professional development in the field of eating disorders.

  • Advice
    • Phone intake service for clinicians. Open: Monday–Friday 9.00am–12.00pm and 1.00pm–4.00pm
    • Specialist Consultation Clinic at RBWH. This clinic provides assessment service and treatment recommendations for referring GPs, located on E Floor, Mental Health Centre, RBWH
    • Consultation-Liaison service for clinicians. This service is open Monday–Friday 9.00am–12.00pm and 1.00pm–4.00pm.
  • Education and training service for clinicians.
  • Treatment services
    • Evidence based outpatient services (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy-enhanced, Specialist Supported Clinical Management) for 18 years and older
    • QuEDS Day Program (8 weeks, 4 days a week) for 16 years and older.

Please see our list of resources for further information, or contact our intake line on (07) 3114 0809.

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