Gender Service

The Gender Service is a multi-disciplinary service based at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital for the purpose of providing assessment, support and affirmative treatment to older adolescents and adults who identify as Transgender, Gender Diverse or Non-binary (TGDNB). The service is available to people in Brisbane and throughout Queensland (via telehealth).

We provide short to medium term care to adults experiencing gender dysphoria/gender incongruence, who are seeking support through their gender transition. Patients have access to:

  • Social Work
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatry
  • Endocrinology
  • GP with Special Interest (GPwSI)
  • Speech Pathology

Our services

  • Recommendations to referring GP for community linking and referrals to relevant community services/private providers for the patient.
  • Assessment and affirmative treatment of adults with Gender Dysphoria/gender incongruence.
    *Please note that the service discharges care back to the referring GP for ongoing medical and mental health management once the patient is stable or when clinically appropriate.
  • Time-limited support for patients with psychosocial adjustments related to Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence.
  • Therapeutic assessment and affirmative treatment of gender issues (and co-existing mental health or neurodevelopmental conditions, which are directly and significantly impacting assessment and/or management of gender dysphoria/incongruence).
  • Speech Pathology service provides voice feminisation and masculinisation services to adults experiencing gender dysphoria/incongruence, who have already been seen by the RBWH Gender Service. Patients cannot be referred directly to the Speech Pathology service.
  • Assessment and report by Psychiatrist for gender affirmation surgery, where a patient cannot access this privately.
  • Assessment (of capacity, mental health, medical status and risk) to determine patient suitability and readiness for gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT).
  • Short-term review following commencement of hormone therapy, then discharge back to the referring GP for ongoing management (including ongoing prescriptions and monitoring of GAHT).

Out of Scope/Not offered

  • Referrals for ongoing management of GAHT
  • Referrals for mental health
  • Direct referrals to Speech Pathology, Psychology, Social Work
  • Referrals for neurodevelopmental assessment
  • Referrals for support to access NDIS, DSP, etc
  • Referrals for gender-affirming surgery (surgery is currently only available through private health options)


  • Referrals must come from a patient’s primary care provider, or their GP must have knowledge of the referral and understand that the patient will be discharged into their care for ongoing medical management of GAHT (where patients are initiated medical treatment in the service)
  • Patient must be aged 18 years or above, at the time of referral
  • Patients must be eligible for Medicare, or have appropriate health cover

Essential Information to include in the referral:

  • If the patient is seeking to commence GAHT, or if they are being referred for a specialist medical consultation, the following pathology results must be included in the referral

               FBE; E/LFTs; glucose, lipids, TSH, FSH, LH, prolactin, oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone

  • Brief gender-related history- preferred name, assigned sex at birth, gender identity, pronouns used.
  • Patient’s goals from gender service e.g., wants masculinising hormones with goal of deeper voice, facial hair, fat redistribution.
  • Relevant social history, including any safety concerns for the patient (including if nil issues).
  • Capacity or medicolegal issues (including if nil issues).
  • Nicotine (via smoking or vaping), alcohol and other substance use.
  • Patient’s current risk of pregnancy and current pregnancy prevention.
  • Patient’s desire to preserve their fertility with gamete (egg or sperm) freezing.
  • Mental Health diagnoses (including if no mental health diagnoses or issues).
  • Physical Health diagnoses (including if no physical health diagnoses or issues).
  • Neurodevelopmental diagnoses
  • Current medications (including if no current medications)
  • Allergies


How to access this service

Other health professionals may refer their patient/client to the Gender Service, however the patient’s GP must be aware of the referral and the expectation that the patient will be discharged back into their care ongoing management (including management of GAHT), once discharged from the service. All referrers must include the essential information in their referrals, including the relevant blood test results.

For patients under 17 years, please refer to the Queensland Children’s Gender Service.

For gender-affirming service providers in Australia:

What to bring

Each time you visit us
  • Your Medicare card
  • Private health insurance card (if you have one)
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Current medications (prescription, over the counter and herbal medicine)
  • Relevant x-rays, scans or any other test results or reports
  • Glasses, hearing and mobility aids
  • Your appointment letter
  • Any special items listed on your letter
  • WorkCover claim number (if relevant)
  • Snacks, a drink or money to buy refreshments
  • Something to read or do while you wait
  • An adult carer to support you and take you home
  • Copy of Advanced Healthcare Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (if you have one)
  • A jacket or cardigan in case you get cold
  • A dressing gown or cardigan, sleepwear or comfortable day clothes
  • Slippers and shoes (low heel, closed-in, non-slip, adjustable and firm fitting around the foot)
  • Your toiletries and personal items
  • Copy of Advanced Healthcare Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney if you have one
  • Something to read or do during your stay
  • A smart phone, tablet or laptop, connecting earphones and chargers so you can connect to the free MetroNorth-PatientWiFi and access entertainment. Televisions may not be available for use.
  • Medical devices required for your care (e.g. CPAP machine)
  • Do not bring large amounts of cash or valuables such as jewellery, watches or other items of value to you

Frequently asked questions

No. The Gender Service does not provide surgical services. GAS is usually performed through the private system. Patients will need private health cover and will need to check with their private health fund as to what it will cover. Access to surgeons who perform GAS in Australia is limited and will incur out of pocket expenses above the expenses already incurred through your private health fund. Depending on the surgery, these costs can be significant. A list of providers can be found on the AUSPATH website here. We can accept referrals for people who have a referral to a surgeon and require a mental health assessment and report.

The Gender Service currently has a long wait list. This is because we see people from all over the State; we do not want you to wait any longer for treatment than is necessary and are always working on ways to provide support to people as soon as possible within the limits of our available resources.

All GPs can provide gender affirming care and the AusPATH ‘Australian Informed Consent Standards of Care for Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy’ provides excellent guidance. If your GP is comfortable prescribing hormones, or wishes to seek additional guidance, they can speak with the Gender Service medical doctors by phone or email.

Contact us

Social Work and Sexual Assault Service (Gender Services reception)
Location: Level 6, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 3357
Fax: 3646 5256

Clinics occur across multiple locations on site, and via telehealth. Please check your appointment letter for details of the location of each appointment or use our location map to find your appointment location.

Health professionals

Other Providers of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy (GAHT)

AusPATH (Australian Professional Association of Trans Health)

Trans Hub

 Health Pathways Clinical Resources: Guidance for the Medical Management of GAHT

Australian Professional Association of Trans Health. (2022). Position Statement on the hormonal management of adult transgender and gender diverse individuals

Cundill, P.(2020). Hormone therapy for trans and gender diverse patients in the general practice setting AJGP

Australian Professional Association of Trans Health. (2022). Australian Informed Consent Standards of Care for Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy

Equinox Gender Diverse Health Centre (Thorne Harbour Health). (2020). Protocols for the initiation of hormone therapy for trans and gender diverse patients

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