Project Description
Dr Kylie Matthews-Rensch

Dr Kylie Matthews is a clinical and research dietitian at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She has been Principal Investigator on several studies, utilizing study designs including pre-test – post-test, observational, qualitative and mixed-method methodologies. Her research in refeeding syndrome has received national recognition and has impacted clinical practice guidelines across Queensland. Dr Matthews-Rensch has also supervised student researchers and regularly acts as an external reviewer for several journals.
- Refeeding Syndrome
- Eating Disorders
- Hepatology
- Best poster award – DAA QLD Symposium 2018
- DAA External Conference Research Award – ANZAED conference 2018
- Best conference prize in Nutrition and Dietetics – UQ HMNS postgraduate conference 2017
- People’s choice – DAA QLD symposium 2017
- Second place – DAA QLD symposium 2017
Phone: (07) 3646 8268