Project Description
Dr Nicole Marsh

Nursing and Midwifery Director, Research
Dr Nicole Marsh’s research is focused on improving patient outcomes and decreasing complications associated with vascular access across the acute clinical care and community setting. Her PhD addressed risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter failure in the adult population.
In addition, she has been a Clinical Trial Co-ordinator for more than 30 single and multi-centre clinical trials. She also has over 25 years’ experience in nursing with specialist qualifications in Neurosurgical Nursing.
In 2019 Dr Marsh was part of a team (CIC) awarded a NHMRC partnership grant: Difficult peripheral intravenous catheter insertion: Australian considerations for sustainable implementation of ultrasound guided procedures.
Vascular Access
- Devices
- Dressings and securement
PISCES Trial: The study is a multi-centre, 2×2 factorial, superiority randomised controlled trial (RCT) to test (1) securements (Securement device vs. integrated securement device), and (2) dressings (chlorhexidine-disc vs. no disc) for peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) in Cancer patients. Principal Site Investigator: N Marsh
PICNIC trial: This study is a multicentre, parallel group, superiority RCT comparing the clinical- and cost- effectiveness of the (i) anti-thrombogenic (AT [Endexo®] and (ii) chlorhexidine gluconate PICCs, to (iii) conventional polyurethane PICCs in paediatric and adult patients. Principal Site Investigators: P, Harris, N Marsh
Midline trial: this RCT is comparing midline catheters and peripheral intravenous catheters (PVC) for the prevention of insertion failure and post-insertion failure; and to generate pilot data to support a larger, definitive trial. Principal Investigator: N Marsh
Optimum trial: A multi-centre RCT comparing an integrated PVC system against current practice a non-integrated system. Principal Site Investigator: N Marsh
Vascular Access Passport: this is a consumer-led innovation to implement improvements in central venous access device management in the cancer care population. Principal Site Investigators: E Larsen, N Marsh, N Roberts
Cocoa Trial: this RCT is comparing positive and neutral needleless connectors for the prevention of PVC failure. Principal Investigators: N Marsh, E Larsen, C O’Brien, Davies K, McLeod K, Booker C
Adorn trial: This RCT is comparing an anti-microbial disc to no-disc for infection prevention in central venous access devices in ICU. Principal Investigator: N Marsh
SURF Trial: This study aims to test the feasibility of evaluating perforated versus non-perforated peripheral catheter design. Cancer care patients requiring injection of contrast via PIVC for a Computerised Tomography (CT) scan for diagnosis or staging of malignant oncology or haematology conditions, will be enrolled.
‘Non-inferiority of low-level versus high-level disinfection for the elimination of bacteria on contaminated transcutaneous ultrasound transducers: A randomised controlled trial’
Love-Diva Trial: Does LOng peripheral intraVEnous catheter with retractable coiled tip guidewire optimize first insertion success rate for patients with Difficult IntraVenous Access in emergency departments: a randomised controlled trial
Sticky Trial: Securing jugular central venous lines with dressings fixed to a liquid adhesive (Mastisol) in an Intesive Care Unit population
Adorn Trial: AMD Disc infection preventions in vascular access
- QuARRIES Consumer Focused Project Award. Larsen E, Ullman A, Marsh N, Robert N, Boyte F, Atkinson T, Wyld D.
- QuARRIES Service line Award. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. The Vascular Access Passport. Larsen E, Ullman A, Marsh N, Robert N, Boyte F, Atkinson T, Wyld D.
- Dr Stephen Morrison Award for Best Clinical Research. Herston Health Precinct. Managing intravenous devices among patients with limited vascular access or prolonged therapy: a pilot randomised control trial. Marsh N
- Rising Star Award. 2020 Metro North Research Excellence Awards. Marsh N.
- Menzies Health institute Queensland, Excellence in Publication Award. Griffith University. Alliance for vascular access for observational study of peripheral intravenous catheter outcomes in adult hospitalized patients: A multivariable analysis of peripheral intravenous catheter failure. Marsh N.
- Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award – Research Group or Team. Rickard C, Cooke M, Byrnes J, Bulmer A, Ullman A, Ray-Barruel, Marsh N, Schults J, Kleidon T
- Health Service and Implementation Research Award, Metro North 2019 Research Excellence Awards. Marsh N, Webster J, Rickard C, Larsen E, August D, Flynn J, Corley A
- Best Paper Prize, Australian Vascular Access Society (AVAS) Scientific Meeting, Sydney 2019. Marsh N, Webster J, Larsen E, Genzel J, Cooke M, Mihala G, Rickard C
- Service Line Award (Quarrie Award), Quality Awards Recognising Remarkable Initiative and Excellence in Service. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Understanding vascular access outcomes at the RBWH, 2019. Marsh N, Webster J, Larsen E, Groom P, Tapp S, Nicholas M
- Cecilia Brazil Nursing Research Award. 27th Annual Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Healthcare Symposium. Peripheral intravenous catheter failure and complications within the adult population: a systematic review, 2018. Marsh N, Webster J, Ullman A, Mihala G, Cooke M, Rickard CM.
- Menzies Health institute Queensland, Excellence in Publication Award. Griffith University. Devices and dressings to secure peripheral venous catheters: A Cochrane systemic review and meta-analysis. 2018. Marsh N, Webster J, Mihala G, Rickard CM.
- Pro Vice Chancellor Health Research Excellence Award – Research Team Award. Griffith University, 2018. Rickard C, Cooke M, Byrnes J, Bulmer A, Ullman A, Ray-Barruel, Marsh N, Schults J, Kleidon T
- Service Line Award (Quarrie Award), Quality Awards Recognising Remarkable Initiative and Excellence in Service. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Advancement in RBWH Nursing Research. Nursing and Midwifery Research Centre. (for “Advancement of RBWH Nursing Research”), 2018. Webster J, Marsh N.
- Teacher of the year. Alliance for Vascular Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR) Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 2019. Marsh N.
- Pearse I, Corley A, Larsen E, Ware R, Campbell J, Coyer F, Alexandrou E, Rickard C, Marsh NSecuring jugular central venous access devices with dressings fixed to a liquid adhesive in an intensive care unit population: a randomised controlled trial re-thinking evidence-based care delivery. Trials. 2022.
- Yasuda H, Rickard C, Marsh N, Yamamoto R, Kotani Y, Kishihara Y, Kondo N, Sekine K; Abe T, Shime N, Morikane K. Risk factors for peripheral intravascular catheter-related phlebitis in critically ill patients: analysis of 7118 catheters from 23 Japanese intensive care units. Annals of Intensive Care. 2022.
- Pearse I, Corley A, Rickard CM, Marsh N. Unnecessary removal of vascular access devices due to suspected infection in Australian intensive care unit. Australian Critical Care. 2022.
- Pearse I, Marsh N, Rickard CM, Ullman AJ, Larsen E, Pelecanos A, McGuinness N, Irvine L, Rapchuk I, Ziegenfuss M, Corley A. Polyhexamethylene biguanide discs versus unmedicated dressings for prevention of central venous catheter-associated infection in the intensive care unit: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Australian Critical Care. 2022.
- Larsen EN, Marsh N, Mihala G, King M, Zunk M, Ullman AJ, Keogh S, Kleidon T, Rickard CM. Intravenous antimicrobial administration though peripheral venous catheters – establishing risk profiles from an analysis of 5252 devices. Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2022.
- Evison H, Carrington M, Kejzers G, Marsh N, Sweeny A, Byrnes J, Rickard C, Carr P, Ranse J. Peripheral intravenous cannulation decision-making in emergency settings: a qualitative descriptive study. BMJ Open. 2022. 12:e054927.
- McIntyre C, August D, Cobbald L, Lack G, Takasima M, Foxcroft K, Marsh N, Smith P, New K, Koorts P, Irwin A, Ullman A. Neonatal vascular access practice and complications: an observational study of 1,375 catheter days. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing. 2022.
- Corley A, Marsh N, Ullman AJ, Rickard CM. Peripheral intravenous catheter securement: An integrative review of contemporary literature around medical adhesive tapes and supplementary securement products. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2022
- Schults J, Paterson R, Kleidon T, Cooke M, Ullman A, McNeil K, Chopra V, Charles K, Ray-Barruel G, Marsh N, Sullivan C, Sturgess D, Rickard C. Understanding consumer preference for vascular access safety and quality measurement: an international survey. Australian Health Review. 2022.
- Larsen, E.N., Byrnes, J., Marsh, N., and Rickard, C.M. Patient-reported outcome and experience measures for peripheral venous catheters: a scoping review protocol. British Journal of Nursing, 30(19), 2021. pp.S30-S35.
- Marsh N, Larsen E, Takashima M, Kleidon T, Keogh S, Ullman AJ, Mihala G, Chopra V, Rickard CM. Peripheral intravenous catheter failure: a secondary analysis of risks from 11,830 catheters. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 124:104095.
- Mackie BR, Williams C, Tribe B, Muscat J, Clarke B, Schults J, Ray-Barruel, Marsh N, Delport A, Alvarenga. The S2C Study – Securing Cannulas in Combat: a simulation-based mixed method study. Vascular Access. 7(2):12-17.
- Evison H, Sweeny A, Ranse J, Carrington M, Marsh N, Byrnes J, Rickard C, Carr P, Kejzers G. Idle peripheral intravenous cannulation: An observational cohort study of pre-hospital and emergency department practices. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency. 2021. 29: 126
- Marsh N, Rickard CM. (Invited Editorial) Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Failure – is it us or them? Lancet Haematology. 2021 8: e615-e617 (Invited Editorial)
- Kearney L, Craswell A, Massey D, Marsh N, Nugent R, Alexander C, Smitheram C, McLoughlin A, Ullman A. Peripheral intravenous catheter management in childbirth [PICMIC]: A multi-centre, prospective cohort study. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
- Marsh N, Corley A, Schults J, Vemuri K, Rickard CM. Midline Catheters – a good alternative device? Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine. 2021. 40: 1-3. (Invited Editorial)
- Nicholas M, Larsen EN, Rickard CM, Mihala G, Groom, Marsh N. Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) insertion success and optimal placement with new technology: a pre-post study. JAVA. 2021. 26(1):39-46.
- Rickard CM, Marsh N, Larsen E, McGrail M, Graves N, Runnegar N, Webster J, Corley A, McMillan D, Gowardman J, Long D, Fraser F, Gill F, Young J, Murgo M, Alexandrou E, Choudhury M, Chan R, Gavin N, Daud A, Palemo A, Regli A, Playford GE. Effect of infusion set replacement intervals on central and arterial vascular catheter-related bloodstream infections: a randomised controlled trial (RSVP Trial). Lancet. 2021. 397: 1447-58.
- Ullman A, August D, Kleidon T, Walker R, Marsh N, Bulmer A, Pearch B, Runnegar N, Schults J, Leema J, Lee-Archer P, Biles C, Gibson V, Byrnes J, Ware R, Chopra V, Coulthard A, Mollee P, Rickard CM. Peripherally Inserted Central catheter iNnovation to reduce Infections and Clots (the PICNIC trial): a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 2021. 11(4): p.
- Marsh N, Larsen E, Hewer B, Monteagle E, Ware RS, Rickard CM. (2021) ‘How many audits do you really need?’: Learnings from 5-years of Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Audits. Infection, Disease and Health.
- Gavin CN, Kleidon T, Larsen E, O’Brien C, Ullman A, Northfield S, Mihala G, Runnegar, Marsh N, Rickard CM. A comparison of hydrophobic polyurethane and polyurethane peripherally inserted central catheter: results from a feasibility randomized controlled trial. 2020; 21(787): 1-11
- Schults J, Kleidon T, Chorpa V, Cooke M, Moore R, Ullman A, Marsh N, Ray-Barruel G, Hill J, Devrim I, Hammarskjöld F, Pedreira M, Bertoglio S, Egan G, Mimoz O, Van Boxtel T, DeVries C, Magalhaes M, Hallam C, Oakley S, Rickard CM. International recommendations for a vascular access minimum data set: A Delphi consensus-building study. BMJ Quality and Safety. 2020; 0: 1-9
- Massey D, Ray-Barruel G, Cooke M, Ullman A, Wallis M, Marsh N, Craswell A. (2020) Undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of the current content and pedagogical approaches used in PIVC education. A qualitative descriptive study. Nurse Education Today.
- Kleidon T, Horowitz J, Rickard CM, Ullman A, Marsh N, Schults J, Ratz D, Chopra V. (2020) Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Thrombosis Following placement via electrocardiography vs. traditional methods: an analysis of 42,687 patients. American Journal of Medicine.
- Larsen E, Marsh N, O’Brien C, Monteagel E, Friese C, Rickard CM. Inherent and modifiable risk factors for peripheral venous catheter failure during cancer treatment: a prospective cohort study. Supportive Care in Cancer.
- Larsen EM, Corley A, Mitchell M, Lye I Powell M, Tom S, Mihala G, Ullman AJ, Gibson V, Marsh N, Kleidon TM, Rapchuk IL, Rickard CM. A pilot randomised controlled trial of two dressing and securement methods to prevent arterial catheter failure in intensive care. Australian Critical Care.
- Larsen E, Byrnes J, Marsh N, Rickard CM. (2020). Patient reported outcome and experience measures for peripheral venous catheters: a scoping review protocol. Vascular Access. 14 (1), 6-11.
- Marsh N, Larsen E, Webster J, Cooke M, Rickard CM. The benefit of a vascular access specialist placing a peripheral intravenous catheter: a narrative review of the literature. (2020). Vascular Access.; 6(1):10-15. DOI: 33235/va.6.1.10-15
- Marsh N, Larsen E, Flynn, J, O’Brien, Kleidon T, Groom P, Hewer B, Rickard CM. The MIDLINE trial – Managing intravenous devices among patients with limited vascular access or prolonged therapy: a pilot randomised control trial protocol. (2020) Vascular Access. 6(1):10-15. DOI: 33235/va.6.1.20-24
- Kleidon T, Rickard C, Gibson V, Mihala G, Schults J, Xu G, Bauer M, Marsh N, Larsen E, Cattanach P, Ullman A. (2020) A pilot randomized controlled trial of peripheral intravenous catheter securement in pediatrics. Journal of Tissue Viability. JIF=5.5 DOI: 1016/j.jtv.2020.03.006
- Ray-Barruel G, Wu M, Marsh N, Mitchell B. (2020). Strategies for CAUTI prevention: Are we on the same page? (letter to the Editor) Infection, Disease and Health.
- Schults J, Woods C, Cooke M, Kleidon T, Marsh N, Ray-Barruel G, Rickard CM. (2020). Healthcare practitioner perspectives and experiences regarding vascular access device data: An exploratory study. International Journal of Healthcare Management. DOI: 1080/20479700.2020.1721750
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