RBWH Postgraduate Scholarships2022-11-22T11:22:42+10:00

RBWH Postgraduate Scholarships

The RBWH aims to provide financial support in the form of scholarships for graduates at RBWH to undertake a higher research degree at a recognised Australian University, which will:

  • support research that will directly affect the care provided to our patients, including translational research and new models of care
  • encourage research that fosters collaborations across departments, facilities and external partners
  • support staff development.

To be eligible for this scheme, the CI-A must hold a current paid or honorary appointment to the RBWH and not receive concurrent funding.

RBWH Postgraduate Scholarships are awarded to RBWH employees (or prospective employees) in all disciplines, to support staff to undertake higher degrees by research (PhD, MPhil or their equivalents). The research must be carried out primarily at the RBWH.

Both full time and part time research scholarships may be supported each year. These awards will be based on merit and will be awarded on a competitive basis. It is intended that this funding be allocated in a way that supports gender equity in research and takes into account career disruptions and ‘relative to opportunity’ considerations.

Subject to successful progress, reapplication for a scholarship may be made annually, up to a maximum of two years in total support for MPhil and three years in total support for PhD (whether the research is undertaken on a full time or part time basis). Renewal applications will be assed based on evidence of satisfactory progress of the research including annual budget acquittal.


  • You are employed and based at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital for the duration of the scholarship and that the research is conducted primarily at RBWH
  • Research has appropriate ethical clearance, with evidence provided by 30 June 2022.
  • You do not receive another RBWH grant simultaneously for the same research project.
  • The funds are directed to the above project and no other project.
  • You provide evidence of your enrolment in a full-time PhD/MPhil program prior to receiving the funds.
  • That a presentation of the completed research should be made at a hospital forum such as the Herston Health Precinct Symposium.
  • That progress reports are provided in June and November of the award year using the Smarty Grants template.
  • That a report on the outcomes of the research is provided to the RBWH Research Advisory Committee annually, including budget acquittal.

Key Documents

Contact us

Email: RBWH_Grants@health.qld.gov.au
Phone:(07) 3647 1077

Apply for funding

Applications are now closed.

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