Cancer Care Services


Paediatric services

Referrals for children and young people should follow the Children’s Health Queensland referral guidelines.

Emergency department referrals

Phone on call Oncology Registrar and send patient to the Department of Emergency Medicine at their nearest hospital.

Contact on call Oncology Registrar through:

  • Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital (07) 3646 8111
  • The Prince Charles Hospital (07) 3139 4000
  • Redcliffe Hospital (07) 3883 7777
  • Caboolture Hospital (07) 5433 8888

View the emergency contact details for referring General Practitioners.

If any of the following are present or suspected, phone 000 to arrange immediate transfer to the emergency department or seek emergent medical advice if in a remote region.

  • Symptoms of airway obstruction, SVC obstruction
  • Severe gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Febrile neutropenia
  • Symptomatic hypercalcaemia
  • Other organ failure/dysfunction
  • Uncontrolled and disabling pain
  • Massive haemoptysis and/or stridor
  • Neurological signs suggestive of brain metastases or cord compression
  • Very high calcium (3.0mmol/L)
  • Severe dysphagia with dehydration
  • Biopsy proven small cell lung cancer
    • Patients with symptoms of shortness of breath, deteriorating organ function
  • Metastatic germ cell tumour (GCT) confirmed (biopsy) or suspect (tumour markers)
  • Patients with severe symptoms, organ failure or life threatening complications
  • Highly aggressive lymphoma
    • Burkitt’s lymphoma
    • Lymphoblastic lymphoma
  • Acute leukaemia

Out of scope services

  • Lymphoma, Leukemia and blood disorders: please refer to Haematology
  • Patients requiring surgery for cancer: refer to subspecialty surgical service
  • Patients not aware of diagnosis or likely diagnosis (without explanation)
  • Consultations cannot occur without the patient present
  • Unwell patients requiring acute hospitalisation are not suitable for outpatient referral
  • This is not a diagnostic pathway so patients with suspected but not confirmed malignancy should be referred to the most relevant sub-specialist for investigation and confirmation of a malignant diagnosis.
  • It is recommended that patients presenting with the following conditions should be referred directly to their local emergency department for inpatient investigation and management to expedite their care requirements:
    • Significant bleeding – including haemoptysis, severe gastrointestinal bleeding, and haematuria particularly with clot retention.
    • Uncontrolled or disabling pain or severe uncontrolled dyspnoea
    • New findings of symptomatic brain metastasis or leptomeningeal disease diagnosed in the community
    • Suspected spinal cord compression or cauda equina syndrome
    • Symptoms of airway obstruction / compromise or Superior vena cava obstruction
    • Symptomatic malignant hypercalcaemia
    • Suspected tumour lysis syndrome
    • Patients with a visceral crisis from suspected but not confirmed malignant diagnosis (e.g. significant liver dysfunction from malignant infiltration)
    • Biliary obstruction from suspected malignant disease
    • Malignant bowel obstruction
    • Acute urinary retention or ureteric obstruction secondary to malignancy
    • Febrile neutropenia


GP Oncology referral advice line

If phone advice is required, please make available a phone number that our medical staff can contact you on directly. Extremely urgent is considered to be advice required within one hour, urgent requests will be answered within 24-48 hours.

Contact numbers:

Medical Oncology: 36467983

Haematology/BMT: 36461340

Radiation Oncology: 36464089

Please view the emergency contact details for referring General Practitioners for further details regarding this service.


Care of patients with diagnosed malignant conditions (excluding leukaemia, myeloma, lymphoma) requiring the care of a medical oncologist. Please do not refer undiagnosed cancer cases – refer to appropriate surgical or medical services for histological diagnosis.

Please forward all investigations including histology, cytology, radiology and pathology results which led to referral.


  • Redcliffe Hospital (patients being referred must have confirmed diagnosis of malignancy)
  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
  • The Prince Charles Hospital

A service for all diagnosed malignant and non malignant conditions requiring the care of aradiation oncology specialist.

Please forward all investigations including histology, cytology, radiology and pathology results which led to referral.


  • Caboolture Hospital
  • Redcliffe Hospital (consult only)
  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
  • The Prince Charles Hospital (consult only)

For the care of patients with all malignant and non malignant haematological disorders. Please forward all investigation results which led to the referral.


  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
  • The Prince Charles Hospital

Care for patients requiring haemopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) transplantation and all associated treatments and procedures on adult and adolescent patients including autologous HPC transplantation, sibling and unrelated donor allogeneic HPC transplantation and collections for donor registries.

Please forward all investigation results which led to the referral.


  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Specialists list

Clinic details

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH)

Level 7, Ned Hanlon Building, RBWH

The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH)

Specialist Clinics, Ground Floor, TPCH

Redcliffe Hospital

Level 1, Specialist Outpatient Department, Main Building, Redcliffe

Send referral

Hotline: 1300 364 938

Medical Objects ID: MQ40290004P
HealthLink EDI: qldmnhhs

Metro North Central Patient Intake
Aspley Community Centre
776  Zillmere Road

Health pathways

Access to Health Pathways is free for clinicians in Metro North Brisbane.

For login details email:

Login to Brisbane North Health Pathways:

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