Celebrating our staff
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s Dr Krispin Hajkowicz received the Excellence in Leadership award for his calm and supportive style. The RBWH’s Director of Infectious Diseases has played a pivotal role in educating staff during the pandemic. Patient Support Officer Gordon ‘The Great’ Evans was also congratulated for his role in onboarding teams of touchpoint cleaners during the pandemic, winning the Values in Action category.
Contributions to the pandemic response were also recognised for Metro North Public Health Unit who received the Excellence in Performance Award, with RBWH’s Simon ‘the sign man’ Mahony and the Metro North COVID-19 Virtual Ward team both highly commended in their categories. The People Focus category was awarded to Victoria Sinclair and Jane McTaggart from the Community Palliative Care Service, who went above and beyond to ensure families could say a face-to-face goodbye throughout the pandemic.
Metro North Mental Health was recognised in three categories, taking out both the trophy and highly commended for Excellence in Integrated Care for the Caboolture Youth Step Up, Step Down project and for Nundah House. The Mental Health RBWH senior nursing leadership team and ADIS 24/7 alcohol and drug support program were both highly commended.
The Redcliffe Hospital Pharmacy Team, who successfully set up a drive-through medication collection system, received the Innovation award for their creative response to a challenging situation.
Metro North’s Clinical Skills Development Service also took home an award for the Maternity Education Program and director Belinda Faulkner was highly commended for her leadership.
The full list of 2020 Staff Excellence winners and highly commended are:

2020 Staff Excellence winners and highly commended
People Focus
Winner: Victoria Sinclair and Jane McTaggart, Community Palliative Care Service
Highly Commended: Metro North Mental Health-RBWH Senior Nursing Leadership Team
Highly Commended: Team Gardeners, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Winner: Redcliffe Hospital Pharmacy Team
Highly Commended: Metro North COVID-19 Virtual Ward
Excellence in Performance
Winner: Metro North Public Health Unit
Highly Commended: Simon “the Sign Man” Mahony, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Highly Commended: ADIS 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support, Metro North Mental Health
Winner: Dr Krispin Hajkowicz, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Highly Commended: Madonna Dalton, The Prince Charles Hospital
Highly Commended: Belinda Faulkner, Clinical Skills Development Service
Values in Action
Winner: Gordon ‘The Great’ Evans, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Highly Commended: Rhonda Neal, Redcliffe Hospital
Highly Commended: Woodford Corrections Health
Excellence in Integrated Care
Winner: Caboolture Youth Step Up Step Down, Metro North Mental Health
Highly Commended: Community Falls Follow-Up Program, Community and Oral Health
Highly Commended: Nundah House, Metro North Mental Health
Excellence in Training and Education
Winner: Maternity Education Program, Clinical Skills Development Service
Highly Commended: Metro North Indigenous Cadetship Program, Metro North Allied Health
Chief Executive’s Award
Winner: Wendy MacDonald, Infrastructure, Metro North
Highly Commended: Rianna Gibson, Organisational Development, Metro North