GEM@Home trial

Jenny Morris (centre) was TPCH’s first patient to participate in the Gem@Home trial. She is pictured with Geriatrician, Dr Lucy Dakin (left) and RN Shontelle Gleeson (right).
The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) has commenced an innovative new trial to support patients to receive care in their own home and reduce hospital readmissions.
The Metro North Geriatric Evaluation and Management at home (GEM@Home) trial will support the early transfer of older patients from hospital, and the delivery of safe, comprehensive care at home following discharge.
The trial, which is being undertaken by the hospital’s Geriatric Evaluation Management (GEM) Ward in partnership with Metro North’s Community and Oral Health Directorate, will allow patients to remain admitted under a virtual ward model.
Patients receive specialist medical management under a geriatrician supported by a multidisciplinary team which includes nursing and allied health professionals who visit patients on a daily basis.
TPCH Geriatrician Dr Lucy Dakin said that the new model was an excellent example of patient centred care.
“Patients can get out of hospital sooner and receive care in their own home where they feel most comfortable,” Dr Dakin said.
“People generally feel much better at home and this helps promote a quicker recovery and reduces the risk of readmission to hospital.
“At home, patients can also still access their local community which is important in helping them maintain normal life routines.”
Feedback to date shows that patients are very positive about the new service.
“Patients whom we found challenging to engage with in hospital, have done better than we anticipated when they have gone home,” Dr Dakin said.
“They are happy they can remain home and get the care they need without coming to hospital.”