Construction of a new multistorey car park
Car parking at TPCH has been an ongoing issue for patients, staff and visitors with challenges to accommodate the growing number of people accessing services on TPCH campus.
Construction of a new multistorey car park will commence from July 2023. The car park will provide more car parking for patients, staff and visitors and will support the further expansion of The Prince Charles Hospital.
Multiplex will build a new multistorey car park that will provide approximately 1500 car parking spaces and end-of-trip facilities which will include storage for 90 bikes, toilets, showers, and lockers for staff.
Site establishment works are due to commence from July 2023 with construction to commence from late August 2023. The car park is expected to be built by the end of 2024.

Construction of the car park is expected to reach completion in late-2024 with site establishment and early works to commence from July 2023.
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Contact us
The Prince Charles Hospital
Location: Rode Road
Phone: (07) 3139 4000