Respiratory Investigation Unit

The Respiratory Investigation Unit (RIU) is a Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) accredited lung function laboratory. RIU offer a range of lung function testing services.

RIU is located on the first floor of the main acute building at The Prince Charles Hospital. When you arrive at RIU please check-in by visiting the reception. If you are unable to make your appointment please contact RIU on (07) 3139 4744 or email

Our services

We provide a range of routine and complex lung function tests. On arrival, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire to make sure it is safe for you to have a test. Weight and height will be measured, you will be asked to take off your shoes. You will then be taken to a private room for your test. More information about our tests is provided below. To familiarise yourself with the test you will be having, please read the applicable section below.

Routine Lung function tests

Complex lung function tests

These tests are more time intensive and can take up to two hours. If you have been booked for one of these tests you will receive an appointment letter with an information sheet specific to your test. Please carefully read the information provided in the applicable section below. Failure to follow pre-test instructions may result in you test being rescheduled.

How to access this service

Patients require a GP referral to a specialist within the hospital who would then refer them for tests, if required.

What to bring

  • Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
  • A list of medications you are currently taking, including any that you have bought without a prescription and herbal medicine.
  • Glasses, hearing aid, walking aid

Frequently asked questions

If you have received multiple text messages for the same day you may be booked for different tests within RIU or you may be booked for multiple tests in different departments. Different appointments can be recognised by the location provided in the text message.

Yes. Once you arrive and check into the hospital, we will be able to see that you are here.After your tests, if you have a doctor’s appointment the same day, we will give you your chart with the results to take with you to that appointment. If you don’t have another appointment the same day, we will forward the results on to the specialist who requested the tests.

No. If you have any NEW (within 1-2 weeks) respiratory symptoms such as a new cough or runny nose or have had any surgery or major procedures within one month please call the unit to reschedule your appointment.

Many of the test we offer require your best effort and can be tiring. The scientist will guide you through your test and coach you to ensure the best, most accurate results are achieved. You will be given time to rest during the test. Any concerns can be raised to the scientist looking after you.

Most of our tests are considered non-invasive and low risk. Tests that have a higher risk of complications are requested by your doctor because they think the information gained by doing the test is worth the risk. For these tests your doctor will explain the benefits and risks of the test and ask you to sign a consent form. You will be given an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. You can take away your consent for the test to be performed at any time.


Some of the complex breathing tests require you to withhold medications. If you have received a letter stating you are having one of these tests, please carefully read the information provided and withhold medications as required. If you have not received information about your test, you are likely booked for routine lung function tests. Please read the information under Routine tests – Lung function tests for further information.

Contact us

Respiratory Investigation Unit
Location: Level 1, Main Building
Phone: (07) 3139 4744
Fax: (07) 3139 4730
Open: Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.00pm

Map of hospital department locations

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.

In an emergency call 000.

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