Sexual Health2024-02-07T11:36:39+10:00

Sexual Health

The Metro North Public Health Unit has a key role in linking the many community-based organisations, care providers and education providers involved in sexual health.

Our approach to sexual health prevention and control is based on a socio-ecological framework, taking a social determinants perspective of sexual health within the community. Members of our team work closely with community organisations and groups, to identify and respond to sexual health issues within the population.

The sexual health team consists of:

Queensland Syphilis Surveillance Service (QSSS) is a state-wide database where all laboratory-based positive syphilis results for Queensland residents are reported to improve the accuracy of syphilis reporting, monitor trends in syphilis notifications and improve the management of individuals affected by syphilis. Our team provide support for clinicians in the management of syphilis cases throughout Queensland.

Contact Tracing Support Officer (CTSO) provides  support, advice and training to Healthcare providers including general practitioners and nurses around contact tracing and partner notification.  The role involves working proactively with relevant non-government organisations on appropriate health prevention strategies and awareness campaigns.

Sexual Health and BBV co-ordinator works across community, professional, academic and government sectors to support, facilitate, and develop various health promotion, public health and research programs. The position works collaboratively with diverse community and client groups to assess, identify and develop unique responses to particular emerging sexual health needs.

  • Enhanced surveillance of all syphilis notifications reported under the Public Health Act 2005 to the notifiable conditions system in Queensland Health
  • Providing direct support to clinicians
  • Contact tracing support and training for healthcare providers
  • Collaborating with Universities and community to assist in, and promote, research in the field of Sexual & Reproductive Health
  • Providing education and health promotion to a range of organisations including professional bodies, community groups and schools
  • Collaborate with community organisations to advance the sexual health needs of the population.
  • Education to university students (medical, nursing)
  • Presentations to community organisations, groups and interested stakeholders.


Title Author
Sexual health and HIV services Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Sexual health information for health professionals Queensland Health
Sexual health information for the public Queensland Health
ASHM contact tracing guidelines ASHM
STI Guidelines Australia ASHM
Guideline: Syphilis in pregnancy Queensland Health
Doctors bag resource: Syphilis Queensland Health
Syphilis Radar Queensland Health
Sexual Health website Queensland Health

Contact us

Phone: (07) 3624 1111
Fax: (07) 3624 1159
Postal Address: PO Box 216, Lutwyche 4031
Email: MNPHU_BusinessServices@

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