Information for referrers
GHQ accepts referrals for individuals or couples with an increased likelihood of having a child with a genetic condition, based on a known or suspected genetic diagnosis in the parent, family or current pregnancy. The service prioritises prenatal referrals based on the Clinical Prioritisation Criteria (CPC). GHQ is a statewide service, supporting patients and their obstetricians/maternal fetal medicine specialists across Queensland.
If your patient is pregnant and require more information regarding whether or not to refer for a genetic consultation, please contact our prenatal genetic counsellor or registrar on (07) 3646 1686, who can provide further information. Non-urgent queries can also be emailed to
If you wish to refer a patient in pregnancy, please mark your referral as urgent, clearly indicate the patient is pregnant and the gestation at referral:
- Refer the patient to GHQ. Download a referral form.
- Consider a concurrent referral to your local specialist maternal-fetal-medicine (MFM) service (if not already involved).
- Please refer (or recommend referral) of the partner. Include details of the pregnant patient so a joint appointment can be arranged if appropriate.
- Discuss the referral with GHQ prenatal genetic counsellor or registrar on call (07 3646 1686).
Information for patients & couples
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for couples, especially if they are concerned about the health of their baby. We understand this concern and will generally see pregnancy-related referrals quickly. GHQ accepts referrals for individuals or couples who have an increased likelihood of having a child with a genetic condition, based on a known or suspected genetic diagnosis in the parent, family or current pregnancy.
Block 7
Contact us
Genetic Health Queensland Outpatients Location: Level 6, Block 7 Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Campus HERSTON QLD 4029 Phone: (07) 3646 1686 Email:
In an emergency call 000.
Refer a patient
To refer your patient, view the
Genetics General Referral Guidelines
Genetics Cancer Referral Guidelines
GP and Specialist Referral Hotline: 1300 364 938
Need help outside hours?
For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.