Project Description
Associate Professor Dylan Flaws

A/Prof. Flaws is a psychiatry advanced trainee who completed an MSc in Psychology during medical school exploring how clinicians measure risk and communicate risk. Later he commenced a PhD exploring the clinical problem of chest pain presentations to emergency departments. As he completes his psychiatry training, he is now focusing his postdoctoral research interests on the physical, cognitive and psychological recovery journey of patients that survive severe illness or injury.
- Early career research
- Mental Health
- Clinical decision-making
- Measuring risk
- Recovery following severe illness/injury
2019 Queensland Health eAward winner for Innovation (team award)
2016 Metro North “Rising Star” Early Career Researcher of the Year
- Sanders S, Flaws D, Than M, Pickering JW, Doust J, Glasziou P. Simplification of a scoring system maintained overall accuracy but decreased the proportion classified as low risk. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2016 Jan 31;69:32-9.
- Pickering JW, Greenslade JH, Cullen L, Flaws D, Parsonage W, George P, Worster A, Kavsak PA, Than MP. Validation of presentation and 3 h high-sensitivity troponin to rule-in and rule-out acute myocardial infarction. Heart. 2016 Mar 8:heartjnl-2015.
- Flaws, D., Than, M., Scheuermeyer, F. X., Christenson, J., Boychuk, B., Greenslade, J. H., & Pickering, J. W. (2016). External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP). Emergency Medicine Journal, emermed-2015.
- Pickering JW, Greenslade JH, Cullen L, Flaws D, Parsonage W, Aldous S, George P, Worster A, Kavsak PA, Than MP. Assessment of the European Society of Cardiology 0-Hour/1-Hour Algorithm to Rule-Out and Rule-In Acute Myocardial InfarctionClinical Perspective. Circulation. 2016 Nov 15;134(20):1532-41.
- Pickering JW, Flaws D, Smith SW, Greenslade J, Cullen L, Parsonage W, Carlton E, Mark Richards A, Troughton R, Pemberton C, George PM. A Risk Assessment Score and Initial High‐sensitivity Troponin Combine to Identify Low Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Emergency Department. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2017 Nov 13.
- Siskind D, Friend N, Russell A, McGrath JJ, Lim C, Patterson S, Flaws D, Stedman T, Moudgil V, Sardinha S, Suetani S. CoMET: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of co-commencement of METformin as an adjunctive treatment to attenuate weight gain and metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia newly commenced on clozapine. BMJ open. 2018 Mar 1;8(3):e021000.
- Eeles E, Gunn H, Sutt AL, Pinsker D, Flaws D, Jarrett P, Lye I, Fraser JF. e‐Screening revolution: A novel approach to developing a delirium screening tool in the intensive care unit. Australasian journal on ageing. 2018 Mar 30.
- Dylan F, Byrne G, Mudge AM. Delirium risk in non-surgical patients: systematic review of predictive tools. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 2019 May 18
- Tronstad O, Flaws D, Fraser JF, Patterson S. The intensive care unit environment from the perspective of medical, allied health and nursing clinicians: A qualitative study to inform design of the ‘ideal’ bedspace. Australian Critical Care. 2020 Jul 17.
- Tronstad O, Flaws D, Lye I, Fraser J, Patterson S. Exploring staff perceptions of the intensive care unit environment to inform development of the ‘ideal’ bedspace – accepted for publication in Australian Critical Care
- Tronstad O, Flaws D, Lye I, Fraser J, Patterson S. Doing time in an Australian ICU; the experience and environment from the perspective of patients and family members – accepted for publication in Australian Critical Care
- Flaws D, Patterson S, Fraser J, Tronstad O, Scott J. Reconceptualising Post Intensive Care Syndrome: Do we need to pick our PICS? – Accepted for publication in Nursing in Critical Care.