Meet Michelle Stute, Allied Health Director STARS

Michelle Stute, Allied Health Director, STARS
The Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) has welcomed Michelle Stute as its new Allied Health Director.
Prior to starting at STARS in November, Michelle held senior leadership roles within Metro North including periods as acting Chief Allied Health Practitioner and Senior Director Clinical Operations for Community and Oral Health.
For over a decade she worked in designing, implementing, and evaluating allied health workforce and service reforms in both Metro North and across Queensland, using her Masters of Health Services Management.
Michelle’s desire to help people live healthier, better lives pointed her to a career in healthcare, and she chose her first degree in occupational therapy for its pragmatic, holistic nature. Michelle worked as an occupational therapist in acute and rehabilitation services in both the public and private sectors in Australia and overseas.
Michelle feels very fortunate to be leading the amazing allied health teams at STARS.
“My first impressions of STARS were of the highly capable and passionate staff and the high quality care that was being provided to patients. I was also struck by how wonderful the STARS building was, particularly the rehabilitation spaces,” Michelle said.
“The philosophy I bring to STARS is always keeping the patient at the centre of everything we do and taking care of those that care – our workforce.”
Michelle also manages the STARS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team and leads the implementation of the Health Equity Plan.
“While I proudly hold this portfolio, I want everyone at STARS to own and drive the work toward improving health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People,” Michelle said.
Michelle is passionate about continued learning. She completed the Metro North Executive Leaders Program in 2018 and is currently completing a Diploma of Coaching.
Outside of work and study, Michelle enjoys spending time with her husband, three children and their golden cocker spaniel Jasper, preferably at the beach.