Brighton Wellness Hub
Supporting our community to age in health and wellness
The Brighton Wellness Hub provides a space for our community to access services, activities and information that support health ageing. We provide a range of activities and services – most free, some with a small fee. Activities change regularly but information on how to achieve a healthy life is available daily. The hub is open Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm.
Health Navigation Community Directory
Please utilise our Health Navigation Community Directory which has been designed to assist individuals find the necessary support and services to enhance their well-being and age in health.
Community Connectors
Signpost friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and strangers to information to support wellbeing within their own community
Important date reminders for March:
- 05/03/25 – Walking Football returns for play
- 07/03/25 – Denim Day for Dementia – wear denim for choir practice!
- 27/03/25 – Yarning Circle @ the Hub – no Community Catch Up or Lawn Bowls
- 31/03/25 – Birthday celebration for March birthdays. Come share some cake
- 31/03/25 – Rainbow Room LGBTIQA+ monthly social catch up
Exciting news!
No need for appointments to see a Justice of the Peace (JP) anymore!
Swing by our drop-in service at the Brighton Wellness Hub.
Thursday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
It’s your chance to get your documents sorted hassle-free! See you there!
Bright ‘N’ Sparks Dementia Choir
Bright ‘N’ Sparks, Brisbane North Dementia Choir is a group specifically designed to support people with dementia and their carers to live well with dementia. The goal of our choir is to have fun singing and moving together and then to enjoy a well-earned morning tea. Singing in a choir has been proven to improve quality of life, social connectedness and vocal strength so there are other benefits as well!
Our main focus is supporting people living with dementia and their carers but if you feel you might benefit from our program, for example you have an acquired brain injury, please contact the organisers to discuss this further.
9.30 am – 12.00 pm | SCHOOL TERMS | For enquiries, call 3631 7568
Rainbow Room – LGBTQIA+ Peer Support Program
The Rainbow Room is located at the Brighton Wellness Hub, Brighton Health Campus, but available to all staff and consumers of Metro North Health Service.
When: Monday 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm.
Where: Cnr of 19th Avenue and the Hornibrook hwy Brighton 4017
Referrals to the Rainbow Room can be made by:
Calling 07 3631 7577, emailed to, using the QR Code or just drop in!
The Rainbow Room provides access to peer supports with lived experience from the LGBTIQA+ community and can assist with education, resources, and navigation to relevant services for social and emotional support.
It is facilitated by a small group of volunteers” Peer Supporters” from within our local LGBTIQA+ community, who are here to offer you the opportunity to speak in person on the current issues impacting you.
We also warmly invite staff to speak with us not only to gain a better understanding about this service but to gain confidence in your interactions with LGBTQIA+ Consumers and the tools to give advice, guidance, and recommendations for navigation to other services in order to better support our consumers.
If you are interested in becoming a Peer Support Volunteer at the Rainbow Room, please submit an Expression of Interest via; Volunteer program – Community and Oral Health, or email
If you would like to find out more about the Rainbow Room, please feel free to call the Brighton Wellness Hub 3631 7568.
- Information sessions
- Technology demonstrations
- Physical activities programs
- Cooking demonstrations
- Meeting Groups
- Support Groups
- Health Screenings
- Barefoot bowling
- Social Bowling
- “Come & Try” activities
- Short Courses
What’s on at the Hub?
Weekly schedule starting:
Chair Yoga: Tuesday and Thursday morning 8.00am – 9.00am $5pp
Therapeutic Yoga: $10pp 4.30pm-5.30pm – Call Ewa 0424 293 393
BWH Bulletin
If you would like to be added to our weekly newsletter please subscribe now.
- December – last week
- December
- November event reminder
- November- Bright N Sparks
- November Walking football
- November
- October – last week
- October
- 16 – 27 September – School Holiday Alert
- September
- August
- 19 – 25 August – Brain Injury Awareness Week
- 01 July
- 07 June
- May Event Alert
- 31 May
- April Event Alert
- 28 March
- 7 March
- 29 January
Want to Book the Space?
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Support group
- Community groups
- Private functions
Event alerts
Free activity – limited spots available.
Card Making Class with Anne
Time: 09:45 – 11:30 am
Date: First Thursday of each month
Location: Brighton Wellness Hub (Cnr Nineteenth Ave and Hornibrook Highway, Brighton, 4017)
Booking: Please call Rebecka to book your spot 3631 7568
Cost: FREE
Come along and have a social afternoon with your peers. Light refreshment provided.
Rainbow Room – LGBTIQA+ Monthly Meet up
When: Last Monday of each month
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Brighton Wellness Hub (Cnr Nineteenth Ave and Hornibrook Highway, Brighton, 4017)
Cost: Free
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Hour
“Pop-in for Peace”
Stay for as little or as long as you like.
Free weekly meditation hour, no experience required
When: Mondays 26th September 2024
Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Booking: No booking required. Please direct enquiries to Verna
0433 891 612 or
Cost: Free
Come along to the hub and have some fun learning some drawing techniques. All skill levels welcome.
Drawing class with Rebecka for R U OK? Day
R U OK? Day – what brings you comfort?
When: Thursday 12th September 2024
Time: 11:30 – 12:30pm
Location: Brighton Wellness Hub – Nineteenth Avenue, Brighton
Booking: Please call Rebecka 3631 7568 to secure your place
Cost: Free
The Importance of Communicating Your Views and Wishes for the Future, Now
Advanced Care Planning
When:Friday 27th September 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:30am
Location: Brighton Wellness Hub – Nineteenth Avenue, Brighton
Booking: Required, please call Rebecka 3631 7568 or follow this link.
Cost: Free
Free Community Information Session
Come along to the Brighton Wellness Hub and hear from Sergeant Kerry McKay about:
- Scams, preying on older persons – latest scams and what to do if you find yourself a victim of this
- What is Domestic & Family Violence and how does effect vulnerable and older people
- What is elder abuse and who is committing this – family
- Finding yourself or a friend in an unsafe situation, who can help
- Enduring power of attorney – ensuring the person you nominate does not take advantage of your wishes.
When: 21 June 2023
Where: Brighton Wellness Hub
Time: 10:00 – 11:30am
2024 Gallery
Contact us
Brighton Qld 4017
Phone: (07) 3631 7568
Our growing partners
This year, the Wellness Hub has and will host free community events on behalf of the:
- Metro North Health Service
- Brighton Health Campus
- Sandgate District Men’s Shed (SDMS)
- Dementia Australia
- Carers QLD – NDIS Local Area Coordinators Program