Queensland Motion Analysis Centre (QMAC)


The Queensland Motion Analysis Centre uses state-of-the-art technology to provide assessments for adults with complex walking difficulties. The service provides information on how a patient walks and what is happening in their joints when they walk through a comprehensive assessment including:

  • Comprehensive physiotherapy assessment;
  • 3-dimensional motion analysis (spatiotemporal information, kinematic, kinetic, electromyography and split screen video);
  • 2-dimensional motion analysis (split screen observational video assessment and spatiotemporal information).

QMAC aims to optimise independence and functional outcomes for patients (and their carers) in order to optimise quality of life, through provision of:

  • detailed reports
  • recommendations to the referrer for intervention planning and monitoring for the best outcome for the patient

The QMAC team involves a gait physiotherapist and a medical engineer, both experts in clinical gait analysis. We work closely with a variety of health professions, including orthopaedic surgeons, rehabilitation physicians, orthotists and physiotherapists.

Who can use this service?

QMAC services adults with diagnoses of cerebral palsy, stroke, acquired brain injury (ABI), multiple sclerosis (MS), spinal cord injuries and other neurological conditions or unexplained complex gait patterns.

Eligibility criteria:

  • adults aged 16+ years
  • pathological gait
  • an ability to participate in therapy;
  • potential to benefit from motion analysis assessment;
  • the ability to walk at least 10 meters at a time with or without walking aid;
  • the ability to take and understand direction

Access to QMAC requires a referral from a health professional, preferably:

  • orthopaedic surgeons
  • rehabilitation physicians
  • neurologists
  • senior physiotherapists
  • senior orthotists

Please note that GP referrals are no longer accepted by QMAC.

What to wear and bring to the appointment

  • Ladies: Two-piece swimsuit, bike pants or short elastic waisted shorts (preferably above the knee) and a fitted t-shirt (singlet style crop top preferred). Preferably wear clothes without reflective fabric and minimise the amount of jewellery worn.
  • Men: Swimsuit, bike pants, boxer shorts or short elastic waisted shorts (preferably above the knee). No t-shirt is preferred but a short singlet top is suitable.
  • Any walking aids used, including orthoses, walking frames or in-shoe orthotics.

 The QMAC Gait Analysis Lab is currently located within the Research and Education Centre, Level 1 STARS.

Contact us

Queensland Motion Analysis Centre (QMAC)
Location: Level 2, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 2581
Open: 8:00am - 4:00pm (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.

In an emergency call 000.

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