News archive
Metro North Dads N Peers Project provides dads with the tools to success
Father’s Day is a special day for every dad, but the most special day for many is the first one they get to spend with their precious newborn baby.
The Prince Charles Hospital delivers Australian-first heart procedure
An Australian first procedure delivered by The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) in Brisbane may revolutionise treatment for the thousands of Australians living with an abnormal heart rhythm.
Metro North Launches Health Equity Strategy in Line With NAIDOC Week
Metro North Health has this week launched its health equity strategy to improve health outcomes and ensure life expectancy parity by 2031 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Virtual reality trial opens potential new therapies for acquired brain injury
A promising trial of virtual reality (VR) technology involving patients with an acquired brain injury may lead to the development of new speech pathology therapies.
Participants sought for state-wide COVID-19 vaccine study
Participants are now being invited to take part in a community-based COVID-19 vaccine immune response study run by a collaboration of health and university researchers.
Mini-brains set to revolutionise epilepsy treatment
Researchers at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) and the University of Queensland (UQ) are trialling a new technology which is set to help epilepsy patients find the best treatment for their condition sooner.
Metro North Health Launches Health Equity Starts with Me campaign
Metro North Health has unveiled a bold new campaign – Health Equity Starts with Me - to drive health equity and eliminate institutional racism across the health service.
Call for blood donations to assist vital chemotherapy treatment
Half of all regular blood donors have been unable to donate during COVID-19 peaks in Australia recently, leaving many essential services vulnerable to short supply.
Pelvic pain vs endometriosis: a gynaecologist gives us the low-down
With endometriosis affecting one in ten women, and pelvic pain affecting as many as one in five – Redcliffe Hospital gynaecologist Dr Will Milford knows the importance of getting to the bottom of gynaecological pain, no matter the cause
Deadly Start a head start in health for students
Metro North’s Deadly Start Trainees Caitie and Kodey are just two of 34 year 12-students working hands-on in health, taking on a one-year traineeship in their chosen fields.
Metro North Health vaccinates community members big and little
With the opening of the Kippa Ring children’s vaccination clinic, our littlest community members can do their bit to help keep everyone safe.
Celebrating our tiniest patients on World Prematurity Day
On 17 November, we celebrated World Prematurity Day and the amazing work of our Neonatology Intensive Care and Special Care Units. The theme of World Prematurity Day for 2021 was “Zero separation: Act now! Keep parents and babies born too soon together”.
Herston Biofabrication Institute celebrates 3D printing day
3 December – International 3D Printing Day – celebrates the invention of the very first 3D printer and strives to create awareness and educate people in this growing, fascinating and fun industry.
Community stars shine in vaccination drive – WINNER
Community and Oral Health has been vaccinating Metro North residents closer to home thanks to the opening a host of new community-based and pop-up vaccination clinics over the last eight months.
Hotel Quarantine Management Team scoops award for keeping Queenslanders safe – WINNER
For nearly two years the Hotel Quarantine Management Team have been at the forefront of our COVID-19 response keeping Queenslanders and the rest of Australia safe.
New medical pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women on track to save lives
The Women’s Business Shared Pathway was developed to deliver culturally appropriate patient-centred care for First Nations women, aiming to support care closer to home and remove barriers to healthcare appointment attendance related to all things “women’s business”, specifically barriers to attending gynaecology and maternity appointments.
PEARS marks sweet milestone
The Prince Charles Hospital’s (TPCH) cardiac surgical team has recently marked an important milestone after performing its 50th PEARS procedure.
GEM@Home trial
The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) has commenced an innovative new trial to support patients to receive care in their own home and reduce hospital readmissions.
New virtual exercise program for Cystic Fibrosis patients
An innovative virtual exercise program is having great success with patients of The Prince Charles Hospital’s (TPCH) Adult Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Centre.
New Cardiac Genomics service provides personalised medicine
Commencing in late 2020, TPCH’s cardiac genomics service allows clinicians to undertake day-to-day genomic testing of patients, as part of the standard suite of diagnostic tests for cardiac patients.
RBWH offers special memorial for early pregnancy loss
The Chaplaincy Service at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital will be holding an Interment of Ashes Service for parents and loved ones who have lost a baby before 20 weeks gestation.
Delirium awareness key to early diagnosis
Staff at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) will wear yellow on 17 March for World Delirium Day, to raise awareness about one of the most under-diagnosed and misunderstood cognitive conditions worldwide.
Metro North celebrates strong female workforce this International Women’s Day
#ChoosetoChallenge: the theme of 2021’s International Women’s Day campaign and a phrase many women just like STARS Security Coordinator Wendy Roestenburg have adopted as their mantra in the workplace.
$10M Herston Biofabrication Institute Opens
Health Minister Yvette D’Ath and Metro North Health staff officially opened the Herston Biofabrication Institute this week, set to advance healthcare research and technologies in Queensland.
Research study may find new therapies for heart failure sufferers
A research group at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) is investigating the cause of abnormal heart rhythms in people with advanced heart failure, to help identify potential new therapies.
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