Quality of Care 2022-232025-03-18T13:58:04+10:00


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    Putting people first

    Rehabilitation Engineering Centre helping patients get back in the game

    The Rehabilitation Engineering Centre at STARS sees many patients requiring modifications to their wheelchairs such as customised seat and backrest fitting. Modifications are made while a patient waits which can take several hours, so an Xbox with an Adaptive Controller was introduced to entertain patients during this time.

    Educating staff on gender diversity

    Metro North Health has developed a new video resource for staff to raise awareness and provide education on gender diversity, inclusive communication, and its importance in creating safe environments for LGBTIQ+ people when accessing care, and also in the workplace.

    Improving health equity, access, quality, safety and health outcomes

    Caboolture Hospital expands with growing community

    The Caboolture Hospital redevelopment provides the fast growing community with access to a modern health facility and new specialist healthcare services, allowing patients to be treated closer to home, rather than traveling to larger facilities for treatment.

    Sustainable services, high performance and excellent patient outcomes

    Stories in brief

    Stories on Obesity management service, Satellite Hospitals bring care closer to home and 100 days of VAD

    Delivering value-based healthcare services

    New Rapid Access Hands Service

    Patients requiring care for a hand injury can now access treatment earlier following the introduction of a new rapid access hand therapy service at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH).

    ASPIRES: Suicide, Self-Harm and Overdose Prevention Plan

    Every year people who come into contact with health services lose their lives to suicide and accidental overdose. Metro North Mental Health responded to growing evidence that healthcare systems can adopt practices that can have a significant impact on the prevention of suicide, self-harm, and overdoses. 

    Stories in brief

    Stories on HBI enhances specialist knowledge, Digital waitlist audits, Streamlining outpatient referrals an Chronic wound care

    Quality of Care Snapshot cover

    The Quality of Care Snapshot provides a summary of the stories and initiatives from our Quality of Care report.

    Download a copy of the Metro North Health Quality of Care Snapshot 2023.

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