Mental Health Services2025-03-27T08:59:42+10:00

Mental Health Services

Metro North Mental Health (MNMH) provides mental health and alcohol and other drug services that support people who have severe and complex needs or are in crisis.  The service supports the recovery of people with mental illness through the provision of recovery focused services and consumer and carer services in collaboration with primary and private health providers and Non-Government partners.

Care is delivered to people of all ages in the community, in the hospital and in specialist residential settings. The services for people experiencing mental illness include a range of specialist assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery services that also consist of emergency, consultation liaison, forensic, substance use disorders, eating disorders, community mental health and inner-city homeless services.

For people experiencing substance use disorders, MNMH provides access to evidence-based treatments including opioid maintenance, substance withdrawal management, and counselling. For people experiencing substance misuse issues, there are a range of harm minimisation and brief intervention services.


Mental Health Research Review 2023

  • Foreword from Dr Kathryn Turner, Executive Director; A/Prof Kylie Burke, Director Research Strategy and Evaluation; and, A/Prof Stephen Parker, Director Research
  • About Metro North Mental Health
  • 2023 Year in Review
  • The 2023 Metro North Mental Health Research Symposium: presentations, awards and abstracts
  • Excellence in Nursing, Allied Health and Medical Research
  • 2023 publications exploring the six Metro North research and evaluation strategic priorities:
    1. Understanding mental health and problematic use of alcohol and/or other drugs
    2. Complex issues associated with mental health and alcohol and/or other drugs
    3. Under-research populations
    4. Health systems research
    5. Innovation and evidence generating practice
    6. Digital solutions

2023 Research Digest

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For persons under the age of 18, view The Child and Youth Mental Health Service

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