Latest news
Advocating for inclusion when it comes to neurodiversity
Rosey Holliday, a valued consumer representative on the Metro North Health Disability Services Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group shares her experience with hidden disabilities like neurodiversity.
RBWH Nurse Educator duo leverage different thinking to solve healthcare challenges
Cath Saddler and Adam Turbutt, both Nurse Educators at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, have founded a Nursing and Midwifery Neurodiversity Working Group.
Bat found at Woody Point – risk of Australian Bat Lyssavirus
Metro North Public Health Unit is recommending anyone who had contact with a bat yesterday near Southern Cross Catholic College, King Street Woody Point to seek medical attention.
What you need to know about Japanese Encephalitis Virus after ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred
Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) is a flavivirus related to dengue, carried by some types of mosquitoes.
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Cnr Butterfield St and
Bowen Bridge Rd
Phone: (07) 3646 8111
Feedback about your care
Phone: (07) 3646 8216
/ MetroNorthHHS
Latest news
Advocating for inclusion when it comes to neurodiversity
Rosey Holliday, a valued consumer representative on the Metro North Health Disability Services Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group shares her experience with hidden disabilities like neurodiversity.
RBWH Nurse Educator duo leverage different thinking to solve healthcare challenges
Cath Saddler and Adam Turbutt, both Nurse Educators at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, have founded a Nursing and Midwifery Neurodiversity Working Group.
/ MetroNorthHHS
Latest news
Advocating for inclusion when it comes to neurodiversity
Rosey Holliday, a valued consumer representative on the Metro North Health Disability Services Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group shares her experience with hidden disabilities like neurodiversity.