Taking your baby home from the Grantley Stable Neonatal Unit

We support you, your baby and family with education programs during your baby’s stay and in preparation for going home. This includes:

  • Specialised lactation consultant service
  • Parental support and education program
  • Parent craft rooms – spend time with your baby to become familiar with breastfeeding and feeding cues with the support and guidance of staff.

Discharge education

Congratulations you are close to taking your baby home! Please watch the following videos and read the articles, before you go home.  Once you have watched them, please let the nurse know if you have any questions.  Your nurse will also do a demonstration of infant CPR.


NeoHOME is a home visiting trial program.


Whether your baby is breast feeding, bottle feeding or doing a little bit of both, all babies will show “cues” to tell you that they are ready for a feed.

Soothing and Sleeping

There are many ways to sooth your baby and to assist with baby sleep. Responding to your baby with love, warmth and gentleness allows your baby to feel secure and safe.

Looking after yourself

Taking your baby home after a stay in the neonatal unit is a very exciting time but it can also be stressful.  It is important that you take care of yourself.

Contact us

Location: Level 5, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 8918
Visiting hours: 24/7 (Quiet time 1.30pm-3.30pm)

Need help outside hours?

Call , and we will be able to help you.

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