Your appointments
Your appointment schedule will vary depending on who is looking after you during your pregnancy. This is discussed in your first hospital appointment.
Your first appointment
Once the hospital receives your pregnancy referral and you have completed your online registration, you will be sent a letter with your first appointment date and information about the different maternity care options.
Where to go
Your first hospital appointment will be at the Maternity Outpatients Department, located on the ground floor of the Ned Hanlon Building.
What to expect
At your appointment you will be asked to complete some paperwork, check your weight and provide a urine sample. Your midwife will discuss your pregnancy, care options and give you a Pregnancy Health Record, which you will bring to all your appointments. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions about your pregnancy and birth.
At your appointment, your midwife may:
- discuss your medical history
- listen to your baby’s heart beat
- take your blood pressure
- discuss online resources (GLOW)
- develop a plan for your care
- provide healthy eating advice.
Personal Healthy Lifestyle Phone Coaching
If you’re above a healthy weight pre-pregnancy (BMI>25kg/m2) or gaining weight quickly during pregnancy, you can self register or your health professional can refer you online. This is a free telephone coaching program that supports you to live a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.
Nurture Your Bump - Workshop
Follow-up appointments
Further appointments will be organised by your midwife according to the care option you choose. Your visits are a great way to learn about how your baby is growing and what is happening to your body.
At your visits, you may have:
- your blood pressure checked
- your GP or midwife will palpate (feel) your abdomen to see how much your baby has grown and listen to your baby’s heartbeat
- on some occasions you may be weighed, have blood taken for tests and have your urine checked.
Contact us
Maternity outpatient appointments
Location: Ground floor, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 7182
Email: rbwh_maternity
Open: Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.00pm
Private practice appointments
Phone: (07) 3646 3395
Refer a patient
Maternity outpatient
Complete the Maternity booking in referral form and forward it to Metro North Central Patient Intaketo refer your patient.
Dietitian maternity outpatient
Complete the Maternity Dietitian Outpatient Referral Form if your patient requires nutrition support during pregnancy.