News archive
Exercise Boss Lift examines heart of military life
RBWH Executive Director David Rosengren, Director of Emergency and Trauma Centre Sean Rothwell and Director of Anaesthetics Kerstin Wyssusek were provided the opportunity to participate in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Boss Lift exercise as part of Operation Talisman Sabre.
Better Together plan launched at Metro North Caboolture NAIDOC Week Celebration
Australia’s largest public health service has launched its plan to improve Indigenous health outcomes at a community NAIDOC celebration today.
‘Hot Lab’ expansion ensures more cancer patients are treated than ever before
Critical wait times for a cancer diagnosis in Queensland will be reduced following a $6.11 million expansion of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) Radiopharmaceutical Centre for Excellence (Q-TRaCE).
NAIDOC Week Family Fun Day showcases culture and community
More than 1,500 people joined in a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and community at the annual Metro North Caboolture NAIDOC family fun day on Tuesday.
Measles case on Brisbane’s northside
Metro North Public Health Unit has issued a measles alert following a confirmed case of the highly infectious disease on Brisbane’s northside.
Gregg’s a sustainability champion
After 40 years of service, Metro North’s Environment and Waste Manager Gregg Butler is about to retire, but he’s leaving a great legacy of sustainability within each of our facilities.
Neonatal to home service launches
Neonatal to home service launches. First time parents Kristy and Lachlan Black were the first to be welcomed into the new service in May following a five week stay in the neonatal unit for baby Lincoln.
#Nextcare Health Conference 2019 – a stellar leadership experience
The inaugural #Nextcare Health Conference was an extraordinary two days of development and learning for healthcare leaders from across the globe, looking to connect, inspire and transform their careers.
Research Excellence Awards 2019 announced
From the lab to the bedside, Metro North researchers are conducting ground-breaking research every day. Last night, our researchers were recognised for their stellar achievements at our annual Metro North Research Excellence Awards.
Medicine, motherhood and mentoring at MNHHS
As Executive Director of Clinical Services at Metro North HHS, Dr Elizabeth Whiting is one of the most senior female clinicians across the HHS. As Dr Whiting’s five daughters celebrate their incredibly accomplished mother today, they will also celebrate their fiercely independent grandmother – the woman who made sure ‘Liz’ would have the same opportunities as her four sons.
Measles alert for Brisbane
Metro North Public Health Unit has issued another measles alert following a confirmed case of the highly infectious disease on Brisbane’s northside, bringing the total number of cases recorded in Queensland in 2019 to 13.
RBWH named in top 100 world’s best hospitals
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) has today been named as one of the top 100 hospitals in the world by premier news outlet, Newsweek.
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