Admission to hospital2022-10-06T16:14:09+10:00

Admission to hospital

On arrival, you will need to be registered and admitted.  Our admission team will help you complete your paperwork and check that your details are correct. To avoid your procedure being cancelled, make sure you have followed preparation instructions from your pre-admission appointment.
Depending on your procedure please present to one of the following admissions desks:

Surgical admissions

Booked surgical admissions

Located: Main reception desk in the main foyer of the hospital.
Admissions from 12.00pm (midday)

Day Surgery

Located: Level 2, Main Building (take lift A located in the main foyer)
Open: 6.00am

Endoscopy/ Colonoscopy

Located: Main reception desk, Endoscopy Building
Open: 6.00am

Non-surgical admissions

Day Unit Investigation and Treatment Unit (DUIT)

Located: Level 1, Main Building (take lift A located in the main foyer)
Open: 7.00am

Rapid Assessment Medical and Surgical Unit (RAMS)

Located: Level 1, Main Building (take lift A located in the main foyer)
Open: 7.00am

Cardiac Investigations Unit (CIU)

Located: Ground floor, Main Building
Open: 7.00am

Rehabilitation Day Therapy Admissions

Location: Ground floor, Main Building
Open: 7.30am

Rehabilitation Ward Admissions

Located: Ground floor, Main Building
Open: 7.30am

For a day procedure

Please ensure that you have a responsible adult carer who can stay with you to hear instructions, help you and take you home.

What to bring

Each time you visit us

  • Your Medicare card
  • Private health insurance card (if you want to use it)
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Current medications (prescription, over the counter and herbal medicine)
  • Relevant x-rays, scans or any other test results or reports
  • Glasses, hearing and mobility aids

For a day procedure

  • An adult carer to support you and take you home
  • Copy of Advanced Healthcare Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (if you have one)
  • A jacket or cardigan in case you get cold

Staying overnight or longer

  • A dressing gown or cardigan, sleepwear or comfortable day clothes
  • Slippers and shoes (low heel, closed-in, non-slip, adjustable and firm fitting around the foot)
  • Your toiletries and personal items
  • Copy of Advanced Healthcare Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney if you have one
  • Something to read or do during your stay
  • Medical devices required for your care (e.g. CPAP machine)
  • Do not bring large amounts of cash or valuables such as jewellery, watches or other items of value to you

Contact us

General admission 
Phone: (07) 3139 4000

Surgical booking offices
Phone: (07) 3139 6690

Cancel your surgery
Phone: 07 3139 4000

Endoscopy Unit admission
(07) 3139 4055

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