Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service

An Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer (IHLO) can visit you during your stay in a Metro North Hospital. We will help explain the hospital system to make sure you understand the reasons for your treatment.

How to access the service

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can self-refer or be referred by a family member or service provider. Contact the hospital you are affiliated with receiving care from:

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Located: Level 5, Ned Hanlon Building
Open: Monday and Friday, 8.00am-8.30pm
Tuesday-Thursday, 8.00am-5.00pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10.00am- 6.30pm

Weekday service
Phone: (07) 3646 4154
Team Leader phone: 0408 472 385

After hours service
Phone: (07) 3647 4183
Team Leader phone: 0408 472 385

Redcliffe Hospital

Located: Via the Telephone Service at the Admissions Desk
Phone: (07) 3049 6791
Team Leader phone: 0439 082 908
Open: Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm

The Prince Charles Hospital

Located: Ground floor (Walkway leading to Coronary Care Unit)
Phone: (07) 3139 5165, (07) 3139 6429 or 0429 897 982
Team Leader phone: 0436 690 306
Open: Monday, 7.00am-8.30pm
Tuesday-Thursday, 7.00am-7.30pm
Friday, 7.00am-8.30pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10.00am- 6.30pm

After hours service
Phone: (07) 3139 6622 or 0429 897 982

Caboolture Hospital

Located: Via the Allied Health Reception
Phone: (07) 5433 8249
Mobile: 0439 082 908
Open: Monday-Friday, 8.00am – 4.30pm

Kilcoy Hospital

Contact Caboolture Hospital Liaison Services

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