Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
Indigenous Strategic Development (ISD)

Reconciliation Action Plan
RBWH Reconciliation Action Plan
Our vision for reconciliation: A future of true equity in health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. An all-inclusive workforce that stands respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural values and, host culturally safe services that inspire consumers to benefit and enjoy quality treatment and care. Enthuse our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to reach their highest capability.
Indigenous Hospital Liaison Services (IHLS)
How can we support?
We provide culturally appropriate support, advocacy and advice to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Hospital and on their return to community by providing:
- Bedside visits to explain the hospital system
- Liaison and advocacy with hospital staff
- Support the patient’s understanding of their treatment plan
- Personal and family support
- Participation in discussions for the care of patient
- Additional support for patients and their escorts travelling from regional Queensland and Interstate
- We can assist you during your journey throughout the hospital system. If you would like assistance from our team, advise your local health service for a referral or contact us directly
The Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service Office also offers a culturally safe area for patients, family members and carers to relax and yarn.
Deadly Feet
The Deadly Feet program is a specialist multi-disciplinary outreach service for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. We help you to manage your foot health and keep your feet healthy.
Women’s Business Shared Pathway
The Women’s Business Shared Pathway provides culturally safe gynaecology care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. It is a free service available across Brisbane’s North.
Our services
We support you and your family by providing:
- bedside visits to explain the hospital system
- support and advocate your needs when speaking to hospital staff about important matters
- provide language translation services
- ensure you are aware of the different types of services available to you at the hospital
- help you stay up to date with your treatments to achieve long term best health outcomes
- transportation support (if you are eligible).
How to access this service
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can self-refer or be referred by a family member or service provider.
Community care (acute and primary care)
Central referral
Phone: 1300 658 252
Fax: (07) 3360 4822
General enquiries
Phone: (07) 3492 1804
Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service
Weekday service
Located: Level 1, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 4154
After Hours: (07) 36474183 or 0428 861 888
Team Leader: 0408 472 385
Referrals can be made directly by phone or via our email address
Email: RBWH_IHLS_Referral@health.qld.gov.au
Operating Hours
Monday and Friday 8am – 8:30pm
Tuesday to Thursday 8am – 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6:30pm
Indigenous Patient Journey Service
Located: Level 5, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 5612
Mobile: 0428 861 888
Email: Improving_the_Patient_Journey@health.qld.gov.au
Open: Monday and Friday, 8.00am-8.30pm
Tuesday-Thursdsay, 8.00am-4.30pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10.00am- 6.30pm
After hours
Mobile: 0409 583 967
Contact us
Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service
Location: Level 1, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 4154
After Hours: (07) 36474183 or 0428 861 888
Open: Monday and Friday 8am–8.30pm
Tuesday to Thursday 8am–4.30pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am–6.30pm
Indigenous Patient Journey Service
Phone: (07) 3646 5612 or 0428 861 888
Open: Monday and Friday 8.00am–8.30pm
Tuesday-Thursday 8.00am–4.30pm
Saturday-Sunday 10.00am–6.30pm
Need help outside hours?
Hospital Liaison Officer
After hours phone: (07) 3647 4183 or 0408 472 385
Patient Journey Officer
After hours phone: 0409 583 967